Chapter 16 ~ After It All

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I clutch the cold metal helmet between my hands. It was probably the middle of the night by the looks of it. I could feel the tears fall but I tried to be silent and ignore them as best I could. But I couldn't stop staring at the helmet, now empty. It shined in the moonlight how I remembered it did when he was around. I heard footsteps, so I wiped my face and put the helmet down on the ground beside me. I quickly turned on my side and closed my eyes, pretending to sleep. The door creaked open and then closed, as someone entered to room. I assumed it was Charles, although I was unsure why. I felt the bed sink in as he sat on the edge.

"I know you're awake." He said in a hushed voice, just in case he was wrong. I opened my eyes after a moment to look up at him.

"How'd you know?" I ask him.

"The helmet was moved, and it's still warm from your touch."

"Am I that obvious?" Charles laughed lightly, but it quickly faded.

"You've been thinking about him. You've chosen to sleep in his bed these past weeks." He explained to me.

"I miss him."

"Are you not angry anymore?"

"I'm still angry. I guess at first I thought I'd be okay and that it wasn't a big deal, but being apart from him all this time.." I trailed off.

"I understand." Charles said, scratching his scruff.

"Maybe you should get a boyfriend.."

"Nah. I think I've got everything I need right here." I told him, grabbing his arm loosely. He smiled, turning himself around so he could pull the covers over him beside me. We just looked tiredly at each other.

"Okay but seriously, you should look for someone. A boyfriend, some friends-"

I sighed. "Should I look for another mutant?" I asked him, giving in.

"God no, you remember how the last one went. Find something more stable, you of all people need some goddamn stability."

"Isn't it too soon?" I wonder aloud.

"It's been two years or so, maybe you should go try and make a life for yourself instead of being cooped up here with me." Charles told me.

"But I don't want to leave, you're all the family I've got."

Charles paused, then his eyes softened.

"C'mere." He said, pulling me close. I wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzled his chest. "Make sure you introduce me to someone before you date them, I gotta give em the old 'new boyfriend' test." Charles teased. I let out a muffled giggle.

"Will do, professor."

"Now you made it weird." We both chuckled softly, both of us exhausted. After what felt like a couple of minutes, I could tell he had fallen asleep.

Charles wasn't wrong. I did need to find someone or something to get my mind off Erik. Charles was my best friend, and I trusted his judgment, but some days were harder than others and today was one. I missed Erik, obviously. But it felt like a deep ache instead of a little sting. It was an ache to be with him again, to return to those weeks in 1962, where everything was at peace within our crazy mutant family.

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