Chapter 8 ~ Dreams

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I was running. I didn't know what I was running from. I was in a strange place on strange streets and sidewalks. My heart was pounding in my ears. There were so many street signs, but every time I tried to approach them to read what they say, I couldn't. It was as if they were written in some other language, but none that I had ever seen before. I was terrified! I felt like something was chasing me, but I couldn't see anything behind me. I just kept running as fast as I could. Then I heard a voice from the distance. It echoed through the streets. I eventually knew what it was.

"Kayla! Kayla wake up!" Charles was yelling. My eyes shot open, and I looked around the room violently, breathing heavily. Charles was rubbing his head, running a hand through his hair, out of breath and groaning. He was standing at the foot of my bed, leaning over the frame. I realized what I did.

"Charles! Oh my god, I'm so sorry, are you okay??" I got up immediately, moving over to him. I didn't really know what to do.

"Yes, I'm fine. Are you okay?" He asked, standing up straight, touching my shoulder.

"Yea I'm okay, just a little shaken. I had a nightmare."

"I could tell. Do you want to talk about it?" I looked up at him, then back down. I just wanted some comfort, but oddly enough, not from Charles.

"Can I see Erik?" I asked him, my voice shaking a little. He looked down at his watch.

"Darling, it's four in the morning. I don't think-"

"No, you're right. I'll just go back to bed." I told him, walking back over to my bed. I hoped he didn't suspect anything, but since he can read my thoughts, who knew. Thankfully, it seemed he chose not to invade my mind.

"Okay. Goodnight Kayla." He said, closing the door after him. I sat in silence for a moment or two until I heard Erik's voice.

"Is she alright?" I heard him whisper to Charles.

"Yes, she's just fine. She's back in bed now."

"Are you sure-"

"There's no need to worry, Erik." Both of their footsteps walked down the hall and soon disappeared.

I sighed heavily, waiting a few minutes before getting up. I peeked out of my door. No one was in the halls. Perfect. I carefully walked out of the door and into the hallway. I tried to step as silently as possible in the low light. It seemed like it took forever to reach Erik's door.

I suddenly started doubting myself. Maybe Charles was right. Maybe I shouldn't see him, would it be weird? I mean we've known each other for a few weeks now. Should I knock? If I did it would echo through the whole hall. But out of everyone here, even Alex or Raven, I felt the most comfortable with Erik. Something about him calmed my anxiety.

I was about to put my hand on the doorknob when the door opened. Erik was sitting on the edge of his bed wearing a black tank top and a pair of sleep pants. He stood up and opened his arms a bit. I couldn't stop myself from running into them and hugging him, almost knocking him over onto the bed. He hugged me back just as tightly, almost needy, the door shutting behind me. The room lit up with moonlight from the large open window. Erik hugged me like it had been years since we last saw each other. He held my face in his hands, worried.

"I knew you weren't 'just fine', I knew it. Are you okay? What happened?" He asked me quietly, rubbing my wet cheek with his thumb. I didn't respond. I just hugged him again, tighter than before.

Eventually, we separated, his hands still resting on my waist. "I had a nightmare. I just got a little frightened and wanted a hug." I explained.

"Why not from Charles?" He wondered. I could feel myself growing red. I knew why.

"Because I wanted a hug from you."
Erik laughed sweetly. He looked off to the side for a moment in thought but returned his icy gaze to me right after.

"So you're alright? Everything's okay?" He asked me.

"It is now, yea. But I-"

"Do you want to stay here?" He wondered, his eyes soft. I'm glad he could guess, telling him I wanted to cuddle with him would've been a strange request. I nodded slowly, wrapping my arms around his torso loosely and burying my face in the crook of his neck. He was comfortably warm.

Erik moved one of his hands up my spine, giving me chills. His other, still on my waist, rubbing it lightly. I lifted my head up slightly, noticing the bed behind him. Just looking at it made me tired again. I yawned quietly. He must've heard me.

"Bed?" He questioned.


We both let go, and I sleepily crawled onto his bed, trying to get myself comfortable. Erik watched me with a smile, walking over to join me. I already had my eyes closed when I felt his arms snake around my waist again, his smile in my hair, and his breath on the back of my neck. He let out an "mmm" of comfort, squeezing me for a second. I very slowly started to drift off.

Erik was so warm, like a living heater. It was just so cozy I could stay there for hours, maybe my whole life. And I'd like to. I enjoyed it. I could only describe it as "home". Comfort, security, and legitimate support for each other. Then I thought about what Raven said after our first training session. Maybe she was right.

Maybe I do have a thing for Magneto.

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