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Okay for so long I've thought people were wrong because I have never seen Lightning/Thunderstorm smile before.

Then I went through more pictures of him and realized,,

He never smiled.

Unlike the other elements, he only grinned or smirked. Never one genuine smile. Maybe it's because of his seriousness or the fact that he had experienced true fear personally. No one else was there when he was tortured. Cyclone had his friends. Quake had his friends to save.

Fire smiled when he was relieving stress. Water smiled because he was at peace. Leaf smiled practically 24/7. Light IDK, but he'll probably smile when he's achieved his goal.

But Lightning,,

He's never smiled. Not in season 1, 2, or 3, not even in Galaxy or the specials.

I know he grins, but it's rare. As rare as Leaf cries kind of rare. He's serious as can be.

Which is sad. He's the equivalent of Boboiboy's anger and fear, after all. He may very well can be harbouring everyone else's pain and fear and hides it.

Oooh poor Petir 😭

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