random M+ rated jokes because im bored

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Taken from the Golden Girls

Thunderstorm: That's a lie. I never get sick. I treat my body like a temple.

Blaze: Yeah, open to anyone, day or night.


Solar: You know back in middle school, I dabbled a little in poetry.

Quake: Oh, that's nothing to be ashamed of. Lots of guys who couldn't get dates wrote poems.


Cyclone: You know what I hate doing most after a party?

Ice: What, trying to find your underwear out from the big pile?


Solar: Hey Thorn!

Thorn: Must you always be so cheerful, you empty headed Rapunzel knock-off?


Cyclone: Remember Blaze, don't do anything I wouldn't do!

Blaze: I think I crossed that line when I got a date, Cy.


Solar: Flirting is part of my heritage.

Thorn: What does that mean?

Ice: His mother was a slut, too.


Blaze: Can I ask a dumb question?

Ice: Better than anyone I know.


Quake: Arrested for prostitution, I can't believe it!

Thunderstorm: Quake, we were framed you dumb fuck—

Quake: I know! I don't know why they think anyone would pay money to sleep with you.


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