Big News

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            She coughed into the toilet hoping that no more food came up again, she's had a stomach virus all week and has shown no sign of getting better. Her friend Alexis rubbed her back with small circles trying to sooth the sick girl. Judai leaned back and away from the toilet catching her breath. Finally feeling a bit better she stood up wiping the remaining bile from her mouth and headed to the sink. The blonde watched concerned as her friend rinsed out her mouth.

"Hey Judai when was your last period?"

"Hmmm" Judai hummed as she thought "I think I'm a month and a half late, why?"

         Alexis' eyes widen as she watch the brunette tilt her head slightly confused, she knew the Slifer student was oblivious, but she never thought it was this bad. Reaching into her school bag she pulled out a small white stick and handed it to Judai.

"What is this?"

Alexis sighed "It's a pregnancy test, pee on this end then wait for the results"

          Judai nodded slowly and Alexis turned on her heel leaving the bathroom, it was warm outside, it's been a beautiful week, everyone had been enjoying the outdoors. She waved and smiled as some of her Obelisk blue friends passed by then hummed to herself.

It seemed like maybe five minutes passed till Judai stuck her head out, the blonde's smile faded. The brunette had a nervous look in her hazel eyes, she held up the white stick and Alexis' heart stopped.

"What does a plus sign mean?"

"Ju your pregnant" She could barely speak

"I was afraid you would say that!"

        Judai ducked back into the bathroom, her heart felt like it was going to leap out of her chest any minute. Alexis followed back in and stared shocked as the brunette paced around. The last person she thought would get pregnant was Judai Yuki, she was innocent and oblivious. Trying to organize her thoughts only one question kept popping into her head, she was almost sure she knew the answer, but she needed to hear the confirmation. Who was the father?

"Judai who did you sleep with?" Her voice was dead.

       Judai started to shake as tears threatened to spill, this was impossible she was sure they were safe. He always wore a condom, but that's when she remembered that the last time, they were together he didn't have one. Idiot, she mentally screamed, she was so needy that night that she threw caution to the wind like she always does.

       Yubel was obviously trying to comfort her little duelist but Judai feel to her knees and let out a chocked sob. Alexis bent down and pulled her into a tight hug, rubbing her head and cradling her she tried calming the Slifer down.

"Ju" Alexis tried again.

"Jesse" she sobbed "I slept with Jesse."

        She knew it, it was obvious those two were in love especially after the whole possession fiasco. Alexis rocked Judai back and forth till she finally started to calm down. When the brunette pulled back her faced was red and her eyes were puffy. She wiped the tears from Judai's eyes, there was still the heavy weight of the new life growing in her friend, but they got through a part of the problem.

"You should go tell Jesse"

Judai panicked "No I can't Lex"

"You have to he has a right to know" Alexis gave her a stern look.

         She's right Yubel's voice echoed in her head, with a frustrated sigh she nodded. Getting her way Alexis helped her to her feet and grabbed their bags, throwing away the test they left the Slifer dorm bathroom.

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