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They sat in a guest bedroom; Jesse was staring at his father begging for an explanation. Judai sat next to her lover keeping their daughter cradled in her arms so she didn't cry. Lily had an icy cold glare fixed on Lucas, this wasn't a surprise to her but she never wanted the young bluenette to know.

"Jesse, Lily isn't your birth mother" Lucas ignored the irritated woman.

"please explain dad"

"Remember the girl I told you I fell in love with?"

"Yea you wanted to marry her but mom and grandma got in your way."

Judai looked at her fiancé shocked, this was the first she was hearing of this story. Lily sat down in a desk chair, she couldn't stop her husband and it would only infuriate her son more if she tried.

"When I agreed to my mother's threat I didn't know that girl was pregnant"

"Wait then how did Lily become my mother?" The bluenette glared at the women sitting down.

"They pulled the same thing Lily and Maria just did only your mother was forced to give you up"

The brunette held her baby closer, she felt her heart break for the women who wasn't able to keep her child. Looking down at Nova's face she smiled gently, to think she almost lost this little miracle crushed her.

"That's why I'm so proud of you" Lucas placed a hand on Jesse's head "You are a better man than I was."

The bluenette gave the blonde a small smile, he could genuinely see his father trying to make up for his past mistakes. However this news was like cutting the bluenette free from the oppressive woman who's tried to control his life. He hugged the brunette next to him careful not to crush his daughter between them.

"This means me and Judai can have a happy life"

"You and Maria" Lily muttered.

"Your not my mom you don't have a say" Jesse shot at her.

Lily let out an offended gasp, rage boiled through her till she felt crushing defeat. There was nothing more she could do now that Jesse knew the truth, years of work waisted in just a few minutes all thanks to that little common hussy.

"Hey dad"


"Can I meet my real mother?" Emerald eyes shined with hope.

"It's been years" Lucas smiled "But I can track her down for you"

Months passed since the incident, Lily and Maria were arrested for kidnapping, Judai may have been forgiving but not when it came to her babies. Lucas pushed for a divorce which to Jesse's surprise went well, Lily didn't even fight him on it.

Jesse and Judai were sitting outside duel Academy, they were leaning against a tree. The brunette rested her head on her lovers' shoulder as they watched the twins play with their godfather. Tyranno was laying on the grass making silly faces at them, Jim sat behind the dino lover enjoying the sun. Darian slowly fumble crawled closer to the aussie but froze when he heard a low growl. The infant hiccupped on the verge of tears till Karen nuzzled the chubby face. Her scaly snout blew air into his face and the tears turned into giggles.

Jim smiled when he finally noticed the infant, gently he reached forward and picked up little Darian. Tyranno had Nova in his arms and grinned at the aussie, Judai couldn't help but laugh at her friends as they enjoyed the twins. The bluenette checked the time and grabbed the diaper bag.

"Judai we have to head back to the dorm" Jesse went to take nova from Tyranno.

"Well it was nice while it lasted" Judai stretched out.

As the brunette stood up and worked the sleep out of her limbs, Jim brought the giggling baby boy to her. With a playful gasp she scooped Darian into her arms and kissed his cheek, Jesse smiled at the two and bid their friends goodbye.

Walking to the dorm the duelist tried to control the wiggling babies, Nova was a bit calmer and well behaved her personality taking more after Jesse. Darian however was like his mother, he had plenty of energy and was often hard to put to sleep. Outside their dorm stood Lucas, his blonde hair was a bit messy giving him a more carefree look rather than the stern and cold look Judai originally saw him as. When he saw the duelist he gave the two a warm smile and waved, He bent down and said hello to both of his grandchildren.

"So why did you want to visit us dad?" Judai smiled.

"Well daughter, I had someone I wanted you two to meet" Lucas took Nova from Jesse.

"I hope you don't mind but we let ourselves into your dorm" Lucas walked up the stairs.

The duelists shared a look finding this new carefree Lucas more entertaining, their door was always open for friends anyway. They followed the blonde into their shared dorm, the bluenette was suddenly grateful for his father taking Nova from him. Emerald orbs widen filled with shock, they locked onto warm ocean eyes. A slender blunette woman was sitting in their desk chair, when she saw the gem duelist she gasped and covered her mouth. Tears welled up in her eyes, she was to afraid to get up or make a move in case this wasn't real.

"are you my mom?" Jesse's voice was shaky and unsure.

The woman gave a quick nod "I'm Crystal, I'm so happy to see you again"

Judai nudged Jesse from behind making him move closer, he shot the brunette a questioning glance. He was greeted by her smile and a quick tilt of her head told him to get closer. Crystal got up from the chair and before the male blunette could react she had enveloped him in a hug. Jesse had stiffened up as the woman hugged him tightly, he could feel her shaking which made him wrap his arms around her.

The brunette and blonde in the corner watched while also trying to entertain the babies wiggling in their arms. The next few hours were spent with all of them sitting around and bonding, turns out Crystal loved dueling just as much as Judai and Jesse. The woman even gave the brunette a few tips on some spell cards that would help her heroes out.

It got late and soon the adults had to say goodbye to the duelists, Crystal made sure to stay in contact with Jesse making sure he knew she would always be there when he needed her. When they were finally alone the brunette got the twins to sleep as her lover sat on their bed with a giant grin on his face. The brunette joined him; her head rested on his shoulder again. The blunette wrapped an arm around her waist and enjoyed the feeling of having her close.

"Eventful day, your real mother is such an upgrade from Lily"

"I can't wait to spend more time with her"

"I can't wait to duel her" Judai grinned "It's been too long and I want her to be my first duel."

Jesse just chuckled and kissed the top of the brunette's head; he was a bit excited to see that duel.

"I'm sure she would love to duel her future daughter" Jesse hugged her close "After all we are family."


the end i finished! don't worry i have other stories in the works but for the month of december im doing a compilation of couple stories, if you have a couple you would like me to add to the list just let me know! thank you for reading and i hoped you enjoyed!

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