Their Here!

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I have gotten a new job and I am very excited cause hopefully it will give me more time to write and draw! Although financially I might struggle a bit now but that's for me to figure out lol. This story has got a few more chapters to it I hope you're enjoying the ride.


Another scream ripped through her throat as tears flooded from her eyes, the intense pain pulsing through her body had her mind blank. She could feel slight pressure squeezing her hand, her eyes slid over to glance at the gem duelist. Jesse hadn't left her side since they got to the hospital, it was sweet but annoying at the same time. Don't get her wrong she was happy and lucky to have him here but she wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.

She gritted her teeth as another wave of pain washed over her, the contractions were to close now she barely had time to breath. As she tried to catch any kind of breath she felt the bluenette next to her mover her bangs out of her sweaty face. The brunette squeezed her lovers' hand hard causing him to yelp as another contraction hit.

"Your almost at the right dilation, this baby is coming soon miss Yuki" The doctor changed his gloves.

A blonde nurse came to the brunette's side taking her other hand and locking eyes with her.

"I'm gonna help you through this, I need you to breath and push with me" The nurse gave her hand a comforting squeeze.

The brunette gave a scared and unsure look, Jesse smiled and rubbed her arm for comfort.

"It's ok hunny you can do this."

"It's your fault I have to do this at all!" she snapped.

The bluenette was taken back as she growled at him, eyes swapping back and forth between gold and brown. The nurse noticing the disheartened boy gave him a small smile.

"This is normal for pregnant women; don't take anything she says seriously."

Jesse gave a short nod and went back to trying to comfort his fiancé while she shouted profanities he didn't even know she knew. The nurse sat the girl up a bit and showed her how to breath properly. In and out, over and over again she kept breaking when another contraction hit her. She shook her head as Jesse and the nurse tried to instruct her, her focus was lost as the pain had her sole attention.

"Just get this baby out of me!" She screamed and cried.

The nurse jumped slightly and shared a look with the doctor, he gave her a short nod and focused on the babies exit.

"We are gonna push now Judai" The nurse cooed.

The brunette nodded as the nurse one arm hugged her walking her through the breathing again. once getting the breathing in check Judai started to push, each push was followed by a scream and more tears. Each time making the bluenette next to her flinch in guilt, she was squeezing his hand so much he thought she might break it. Another push another scream and another flinch the cycle repeated for what felt like hours until finally the doctor mentioned he saw the head.

The baby was free and Judai fell back against the bed smiling, Jesse kissed her forehead and met her smile with one of his own. The doctor handed the crying infant to the nurse, the blonde woman went to go clean it. As the baby was being cleaned another wave of pain hit the brunette making her scream.

"There's another one" The doctors eyes widen.

"Twins?!" Jesse yelped "We thought there was only one!"

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