Welcome to the Academy

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          Judai leaned against the dock shed looking past the horizon, the breeze would bow cold every now and again, but her stomach was so twisted she didn't even notice. She was in the three-month period and her shirt was starting to feel a little tight around her. Her bump was obvious, there was no hiding her pregnancy anymore which probably led to her predicament now.

           Crower and Sheppard stood ahead of her looking for any signs of a ship while Jesse stayed by her side. The lovers haven't even discussed how they planned on breaking the news to their parents yet when Crowler found out he demanded the parents be brought to the island. The brunette let out a nervous sigh, Jesse laced their fingers together, she knew he was scared to.

           "We didn't mention why we called them here just said that they needed to be here for a few days" Sheppard didn't look at them.

             That was a nice ease to their nerves at least they would get the chance to talk to them about it although Judai noticed Crower wasn't happy about that. Crowler probably wanted to tell the parents before hand and watch them kill the duelist.

           "Thank you, sir," She smiled.

           "would you like us to stick around just in case?" Sheppard was concerned.

             Although she was sure she saw Crowler perk up at the chance to watch she shook her head. Jesse and Judai wanted privacy for talking to their parents and the blonde teacher would not be helpful. With that decided Shepperd had to drag the professor away, Judai leaned into the bluenette and bit her lip as she saw the ship come into view.

           Her heart beat faster as it came closer, very soon she would find out if her world would end or not. When the ship docked, not even shocked, her parents were the first to get off. Closing her jacket up for once she smiled as they headed towards her with their bags.

          Her mother was the first to reach her, her messy caramel hair was tied back, and her brown eyes had slight bags under them. Mrs. Yuki scooped her daughter up in a hug, the brunette laughed returning the hug. Pulling away she looked over her daughter.

          "It's been to long Sweetie"

           "Hi mom" Judai grinned

           With out warning the brunette was picked up from behind and hugged by a taller man with scruffy brown hair and bright hazel eyes. Judai laughed but only after she made sure he wasn't putting to much pressure on her stomach. Jesse Shifted nervously, they seemed like such a bright family and he wasn't used to that.

           "JuJu who is this handsome man waiting with you" Her dad had a strong voice that almost scared the boy.

           "Mom, Dad this is my boyfriend Jesse Anderson" She rejoined the bluenette.

             Jesse held out his hand offering a polite 'nice to meet you', the Yuki's shared a look before they had pulled the Gem duelist into a big hug. The brunette gave a small giggle when he boyfriend had a terrified and confused look on his face. Even Yubel had to admit that Jesse was adorable in that moment, finally breaking free he rushed to Judai's side.

           "I'm Maya Yuki and this is my husband Mikoto Yuki" The mother smiled.

            The atmosphere was so relaxed and light the lovers almost forgot the secret they were keeping. As they talked Jesse could see the hero duelist took after her father more and that the Yuki's had this aura of making everything feel light.

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