Big Question

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She's back! I have recovered from my concussion and dental work and I'm back to working in this story and the other one Requiem. Sorry it took me so long but with a concussion ya really can't work on stuff like this!


Judai rubbed her temples wondering how these two women were able to get her out of her dorm room. Maria smiled as she chatted with Mrs. Anderson, the brunette dully watching them as Yubel sat at her side.

"Why are we still here?"

'I want to try and get along with Jesse's mom' she thought.

"That or you're a masochist"

Judai made a small snort noise as she held in a laugh, this got the ladies attention. Those cold blue eyes found their way to bright chocolate ones, Judai smiled nervously.

"So Judai what are your plans for the future?"

"Future?" She froze up.

"It's not like you can drop out anymore"

The brunette mentally cursed the spirit as she tried to think where her life was going. Maria giggled to herself as she watched the teen struggle, lily looked smug as if she knew this would happen. The duelist let her head hang in shame, her grades were terrible and she's only ever been good at dueling.

"It will be hard to raise Nicolette without a backup plan" Maria smiled.


"Maria picked the name Nicolette but I think Liliana sounds more up class" Lily smiled.

"I haven't decided on a name yet and that's between me and Jesse" Her voice was a soft growl trying to hold in the anger.

"I'm sure Jesse would love the name Nicolette" Maria's sigh was borderline dreamy.

Judai glanced between the two women as they were now on the subject of Jesse and Maria's life together. It's like Judai wasn't even there, her eyes stung a bit as she held in the tears, Hormone's be damned she would not let these monsters see her cry. She clenched her hands into fists and took a few breaths collecting her thoughts.

"I'm sorry but I'm the baby's mother I'm not giving her up"

Lily had an ice-cold glare in her eyes as they turned their attention to the brunette. Judai almost shrunk in her spot but Haou's confidence fueled her to straighten up and meet the woman's glare.

"If you don't willingly give it up I will get her another way" Lily hissed.

"Like hell! I'm really trying to befriend you but you're making it difficult!" She jumped up.

"Befriend!? You're a home wrecker!" Maria defended.

"Homewrecker?! He doesn't even like you!"

"Well that wasn't his choice to make, Maria is better for his future" Lily interrupted.

She didn't have an argument, ever since the bluenette met her he has been hurt and possessed. With this pregnancy he has jumped through hoops to satisfy her needs, she's felt guilty for making things difficult for him.

He loves you; he stays because he loves you.

Haou was her strength and reassurance, without the supreme queen around she would have probably given in. Re-clenching her fists, brown switched to bright gold and her body relaxed holding a more powerful aura to it. She sat down, her back straightened and arms crossed over her chest. Haou was more prone to dealing with stubborn fools such as these women, she was a queen after all.

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