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         Judai leaned against the trunk of an old oak tree by the outer line of the woods. The cool breeze felt good on her face as the cramps and pains subsided, her sweet little bean had started kicking as it seemed restless. She let out a yawn deciding to head to the kitchen, she was used to being hungry all the time but since she got pregnant, she's been ten times worse. she almost hates eating in front of people because she doesn't want to hear someone make a comment.

       Walking down the gravel path towards the Slifer kitchen she heard her name being shouted. Glancing around hazel eyes finally landed on a small boy with light blue hair. Syrus raced towards the brunette excitedly, once reaching her he was going to go in for a hug but her four-month bump stopped him in his tracks. Rolling her eyes she pulled him into a small gentle hug, once pulling away she ruffled his hair playfully.

"Bis sis I haven't seen you around much" Syrus pouted.

"I'm avoiding Jesse's parents to the max, so I've been in hiding" She nervously laughed.

       After telling both their families the big news last month the Yuki's decided to stay on the island to help their daughter through the pregnancy. Unfortunately the Anderson's stayed as well but only to try to convince Judai to get rid of the baby. It's been stressful having Lily Anderson practically hounding her with what she called 'solutions.

"You want to join us for lunch?"

"yes please I'm starving" she groaned.

"you're always hungry" He laughed.

        The friends walked to the dining area together, joking and talking about duel strategies, the brunette missed this. Once she got pregnant, she isolated herself from her friend. she knew they supported her, but she couldn't help feeling awkward. Reaching the dining room her eyes got a glance of a group of familiar faces. Jim and Tyranno were trying to steal food off each other's plates, Alexis and Blair seemed in deep conversation and Atticus seemed to be annoying Chazz with a new song he wrote.

       Bastion was reading at the table when he looked up, he smiled at them and waved the two to join the madness. Judai slide into a seat next to Tyranno while Syrus went to grab their trays.

"Well look who decided to join us" Tyranno grinned.

"Heh yeah sorry for pulling a disappearing act"

"Hey, no need, your goin through a rough time" Jim tipped his hat to her.

       The brunette appreciated how understanding they could be, they definitely put up with a lot of her bullshit. Even after finally telling them she fused herself with Yubel they stayed by her side.

"Four months now right?" Alexis asked.

"Yeah it started kicking, hurt from time to time and I'm finding it harder to sleep"

"Have you had a sonogram yet?"

"Yeah but when they asked if I wanted to know the gender I chickened out" She sighed.

         Jesse joined her for that appointment, he reassured her and tried to keep her comforted, but she still panicked. They did find out the baby was healthy though she promised herself next time she would check the gender.

"How's the lack of dueling going" Chazz grinned.

         Alexis threw a carrot at his face, they knew dueling was her favorite thing and it did kill her not to be able to join any tournaments. There was even a ranked tournament next month, Jesse was gonna stay out of it, but she pushed him into it telling him she would be fine, plus it had a cash prize which would help out. She could still table top but not many resorted to that, holograms are just more fun and way cooler.

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