The 'rescue'

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Alex turned a corner and it was the worst mistake she made in her life, even worse than the mistake that got her into this situation in the first place.  He was there, waiting for her like some shit from a horror movie, it was her father, Mark, just standing there, staring at her like a deer got in the headlights of car. Alex didn't speak, she didn't move, she couldn't. It felt like her whole body was paralysed. He didn't speak either but he did move. Before she even had a chance to do anything with her powers, he grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back, he was a lot stronger than her and although Alex did struggle against his grip it had no good end result. He kept twisting it behind her back until she stopped struggling and Alex decided not to use her powers for fear of hurting herself more than him. Before Alex even had a second to react, with his free hand Mark pulled her head back and stuck a needle of something into her neck. In a matter if seconds she started to feel drowsy and then everything started to go out of focus and then everything went black.

Chubs' POV:

Liam left about 15 minutes ago to find the source of the gun shots and I can't help but think he found it an got shot. What!? You can't seriously blame me for thinking the worst about a situation, I'm a green its basically my job to think the worst when comes to bad situations and this is a very, very, very bad situation. 

Liam left 25 minutes ago and he still hasn't returned yet, something bad has happened for sure but the thing I hate is I can't do anything to help because I can't leave Zu here alone and there is no way I am about to bring her towards the danger for 2 reason: 1 because I love her and I don't want her to get hurt or worse and 2 because if Liam is still alive and he sees me bringing Zu towards the danger instead of away from it, like we agreed when we first found Betty and found out about tracers, he will end my life faster than you can see Quantum Mechanics.

Liam's POV:

There he was, standing only a couple of feet in front of me, holding her motionless body. It made me sick that he could this to someone he called daughter, to someone he said that he never wanted hurt, well I guess that's over now. I could feel my eyes glowed blue as I concentrated on the man in front of me, using my telekinesis, I made Alex fly of her 'fathers' arms and into mine, then I made him fly and hit up against a nearby tree. I quickly looked behind and around me and made sure there were no more tracers, people from The League or who ever might be out there, before starting to run back the way I had come, towards Betty, Chubs and Zu.

It took roughly 20 minutes for me to run all the way back to the others, I think it took a little  longer because I was trying not to hurt, or drop, Alex. When I made it back to 'base', I was greeted by Chubs who had a very concerned look on his face. "What do you so long?" he asked, then his eyes fell upon Alex. "You found her. What the hell did Lady Jane do to her?" he finished. "I didn't find her with Lady Jane, I found her with her dad," I said looking down to see if she showed any signs of waking up, she didn't. "Mark! What did he want?" Chubs replied. "No idea but we should probably get the hell out of here before he wakes up," I said walking over to the van and opening the side door to reveal Zu. She put a pillow down and motioned for me to place Alex's head on it and I did and pulled a blanket over her, then closed the door. "What do you mean, when he wakes up?" Chubs asked as he opened the passengers side door. "I'll explain on the way," I said as I walked over to the drivers side. We both got into the van and I started the engine and drove out of the woods and back onto the main road and speed my way down that road and only slowed when we were far enough away form the clearing that we had just came out of. 

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