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Chub's POV:

Liam has a habit of over complicating things. Why would Evie be working with Clancy? If she was, why would Clancy lock her up here with us? It doesn't make sense or maybe that's what he wants us to think, maybe he wants us to think that it doesn't make sense when that's exactly what he's done. But why would he do that? Maybe there's more to the story than we think there is. "Liam's right, for all we know you are working with Clancy," I said, literally feeling Evie roll her eyes. "Why would I be working with Clancy? I've only meet him a couple times," Evie said. As much as I hate to admit she has a very good point but also she could just as easily be lying about how many times she's meet the man, correction psychotic man. "How do we not know you are lying about how many times you've meet him?" Liam asked her, least I'm not he only who thought that. "Why would I be lying? All I wanna do is help you guys go out of here," Evie said. I mean its not entirely impossible I mean she's helped us before. "Liam, she has helped us before remember, when we were at the mall she helped us," I said to Liam.

Evie's POV:

"Chubs do you not find at least a bit strange that she's shows up then Alex suddenly disappears, you don't find that a little bit too much of a coincidence," Liam said to Chubs. Here we go again. "Why would that be strange, Alex can teleport," I said.  Did I really just say that, dammit. I thought. "What did you just say?" Chubs asked, his eyes glowing green. "Why would that be strange?" I said, quoting myself. "No you said, 'Alex can teleport' how do you know that?" Liam said before Chubs could. Protocol 12, if you say something you didn't mean too or something you can't make up a lie for blow your own cover, Clancy's voice in my head said. Time to blow my own cover. What the boys and Zu don't know is that my cage isn't locked, so I pushed it open and walked out. "You're right I am working with Clancy. I have been for a while now, ever since day one," I said, sounding like my brother as I spoke. "Why," Chubs asked. "Well, what's it that I heard you say to Zu once Chubs, 'family gotta stick together,'" I said, quoting Chubs. "You're Clancy's sister," Chubs said, his eyes glowing that familiar green colour. "There you go. I am his sister and intend to do everything he wants me too, including this," I said, my eyes glowing blue as I forced Zu's cage to open. "Stay away from her!" Liam said, his eyes glowing blue and making me fly back into the cage I was once in and making the door slam closed again but not lock, so I easily got up and walked back over to Zu, using my powers to pin Liam up against the wall of his cage. "Clancy will be pleased," I said as I grabbed the small, dark haired, girl's arm and took her with my to the door and I knocked. The door quickly swung open. "Evie, we wondered how long you would be in there for. Your brother's waiting for you in his office," one of Clancy's recruits said. "Thank you, Agent Meadows. Make sure this door is closed," I said, as my eyes stopped glowing and I heard Liam drop to the ground with a loud, thud. I started walking towards Clancy's office, hearing the door close and the faint yells of Liam and Chubs calling out Zu's name.  You'd think they'd have some dignity. I thought, turning towards the corridor, which at the end of it was Clancy's office.

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