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Oliver's POV: 

I never wanted to leave her. All I wanted to do was protect her and if that makes me a bad brother than I'm the worst there is, I knew I couldn't protect her if I was taken too, so I was promised I would go back for her and its been 2 years and I still intend to keep that promise and I'm still trying to figure where they took her but I think I might finally have a lead as to where she is I just need to do some more digging. 

Despite what Lily might think I'm not a bad brother, if anything Alex is worse as she just left, no warning no nothing, we just woke up one day and she was gone, at least Lily told me to leave, I didn't just up and leave like she did and at least I promised to go back for Lily, she left without a word. So, in my opinion she is the worst sibling in the family not me, I mean we don't even know if Alex is alive or not, well she doesn't know of we're alive either but at least we didn't choose to leave and not know of she's alive or not but she choose to leave us, she choose to have the constant fear that her siblings are dead and I should know a lot about that fear, since I have to live with it everyday but the difference between me and my twin is I care whether or not if their dead she probably doesn't and that's probably why she hasn't come looking for us or maybe she has and she just hasn't found us yet. 

The think I worry about the most us if, when I find Lily what if she thinks, since its been taking forever, that I gave up on her and what if when I find her, she wants nothing to do with me and I'm alone again. I've been alone for 2 years and if Lily wants nothing to do with me, I don't think I could take being alone anymore. The only think has kept me going these 2 years is the thought of hopefully, one day, being reunited with my sister, both if them, even though Alex left, she's my twin sister and I know her well enough, probably better than she knows herself, to know that she most likely had her reasons. I mean she is a purple so maybe she thought she was protecting us from herself but the thing is again I know her probably better than she knows herself, thus implying I know that no matter what stupid colour she is or no matter what happens, I know that she would never hurt either of us, no matter how much we might annoy us she would never hurt us, she may give us a playful punch us now and then but she would full on, properly hurt us. So maybe she isn't all that bad or as bad as I may have made her out to be and maybe it wouldn't be that bad if we did all find each other again, at least Lily would be happy.

Alex's POV:

"So, what exactly happened in the camp after I left," She asked Lily, after Clancy left that is. "Well, after you left, the people at the camp started asking about to see if anyone knew where you were headed or if they knew how you got out and obviously since you didn't even say good bye we didn't know where you were and well they didn't like that very much and that's how I got this," Lily said as she pulled up her shirt slightly to reveal a scar, courtesy of the guards at the camp. "Yeah, I got one too," Alex said doing the same with her shirt. "How'd you get yours?" Lily asked. "Well, a couple days after I left, I was running in the woods away from one of the Trackers and we ended up in a bit of a fight and of course I used my powers but I wore myself out a bit and well he stabbed me," she explained. "How did you survive?" she asked. "Well,these guys called Liam, Zu and Chubs found me and helped me and their here too, somewhere," Alex said. "Those were the friends of yours that Clancy was talking about," Lily said, joining up all the dots. "Yeah, they are," she said. "Who was the tracker?" She asked. "Um, I guy called Mark, who turned to be our father," she said.

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