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"JAERIN GET YOURSELF OUT OVER HERE I DON'T WANT TO BE LATE ON MY FIRST DAY BECAUSE OF YOU," Aera screamed, about to leave me without hesitation.

I hastily take one last glance in the mirror, searching for any flaw in my appearance. A good first impression was necessary for a good year, especially to get on the teacher's good side. Of course, last year was different, since Jaemin had gone on bad terms with me over then. Soon, Aera's words from before began to replay in my mind:

"Jaerin, whether or not he's still your soulmate, you need to overcome your past so you can be happy. I want you to be happy, and I'm sure he'd want you to be happy too."

You know what, I thought, it's been a year, I should get over this so I don't get hurt more.




After comparing and looking over our recently received schedules, Aera and I head towards our first class, History, which we happened to share together. Walking down the halls, coherent clusters of people began to form along the sidelines, whispering and throwing disturbing glances my way. And to make the situation even better, I heard my name and his in every conversation. Wow, I thought oh so sarcastically, Jaemin must have done a pretty good job last year if this is still going on.

Aera must have noticed that I was out of it, for she had randomly said, probably to lighten the mood, "If it's seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, why couldn't twenty be twoteen?"

As much as I knew her true intentions for bringing up a random topic, I followed along with her conversation, "Aera, how many times do I have to tell you, twenty is just twenty just don't question English that's why we have Mr. Seo- "

I froze. And so did Aera when she saw what I saw in our classroom.

Or, rather, who.

He was talking with none other than Jaemin, probably catching up on things over the past year.

"J-Jeno... "

It was barely a whisper, yet somehow, he must have heard, as he had turned to look at me.

"J-Jaerin?" He said, with a shocked expression that I wore as well.

We stared for a while, walking towards each other without realizing it. Soon, the whole class was watching us, like a scene in a drama.

I looked at his forearm, and it looked just like mine; a white flower bud. I showed him my arm and said, "I guess we're still soulmates," grinning from ear to ear.

He gave me a blank stare, as if he weren't catching one, but nodded anyway. I glanced to my right, spotting Jaemin staring at Aera, wearing a small, sad smile. I guess he's got his own issues to work out.

It then came to my attention that my soulmate, who I thought would never come back, had shown up one day with a warning.

"But how-"

"Seats, everyone," The teacher shunned, as he entered the class. He did the ordinary first day procedures, which everyone could care less about. When I couldn't bear listening anymore, I looked over at Jeno and noticed his somewhat odd expression. It's probably nothing, I thought, maybe it's something new about him since I last saw him, or maybe it was just something he ate. And with that, I forced myself to listen to the teacher, to hopefully set aside any doubts.

But little did Jaerin know, a boy with the same white flower bud had sighed after witnessing the scene before him, thinking, "Maybe she isn't the one for me, or maybe he isn't the one for her."


oof it's been a month since I last updated

i'll try to update more, 

also please read lara's story unrequited

it's good y'all should read it.

have a good day♡



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