Chapter 2- Old Life, New Life

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The last flicker of the life she had once lived had been stubbed out

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The last flicker of the life she had once lived had been stubbed out. Clara sat next to Steve in the front row of the cathedral in London. She had watched the procession as they carried Peggy's coffin down the aisle, Steve at the front. There was a shrine of candles and old photos, of Peggy during her army and S.H.I.E.L.D years.

"For most people, she was Agent Carter, but to me, she was just Aunt Peggy." Sharon began. She had assumed a position at the lectern to deliver her speech.

"A lot of people knew her from her SSR years as Agent Carter. And a few knew her, and worked with her, as a founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. Steve Rogers certainly did. And so did Agent Lewis, who I'm very glad to see here today."

Clara's head snapped up. Sharon was staring at her, smiling. Clara looked over her shoulder: no Sharon was definitely looking at her. Sure she had worked in the same division but Clara wouldn't say she worked with Peggy.

"I once asked her how she managed to master diplomacy and espionage at a time when no one wanted to see a woman succeed at either."

Clara looked up at Sharon, a young, dedicated Agent and smiled, she could see so much of Peggy in her.

"And she said," Sharon continued, "compromise when you can. Where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move. It is your duty, to plant yourself like a tree, look them in they eye and say, 'No... you move.'"


"Maggie's gone now, too." Clara leaned over and whispered to Steve at the end of the service.

"The bubbly redhead?"

"That was her." Clara smiled softly in reminiscence, "They're all gone now, Steve."

"Not everyone..." He said bitterly and Clara shifted over, staring down at her hands as she wrang them together in her lap.

"That's not fair, Steve." She mumbled. She just couldn't handle it at the moment.

"You saw what happened in Nigeria?" Steve asked after a moment of uncomfortable silence. Most of the cathedral had already left.

"I did."

"You hear about the accords?"

"I did not."

"The united states government wants to sanction the Avengers. They want to control us. Tell us when to fight; who to fight and who to save." Steve informed her bitterly.

"What's this got to do with me?" Clara asked, raising her head and staring Steve in the eyes.

"After everything that happened last time, with him, they believe you to be just as involved in the chaos as I am." Steve said, somewhat cheerfully now as he knew as well as Clara did that she no choice but to listen to him, "And they need your signature to pass these accords."

"Is that why you invited me to attend Peggy's funeral? To sign a bit of paper? That's low even for you." Clara replied snidely, shaking her head and looking back at her lap.

"No I- wait, what do you mean for me?" Steve demanded, Clara shrugged innocently, "That's not why I asked you here. I want you to do the opposite. I don't want you to sign it."


Clara stood just outside the cathedral in the rainy London streets. She dialed the familiar numbers without looking, she'd dialed them enough times to remember, not recently though...not now.

"Clara." The voice on the other side greeted, "It's been too long."

"I want back in."

"You're kidding." Phil said, too seriously it almost made Clara roll her eyes. She didn't though, just because he wouldn't be able to see her.

"Not kidding." She sighed, "I need back in."

"Is that all?"


"Didn't think so, nothing's that simple with you." Phil complained but Clara recognised the affectionate tone in his voice even though he tried to hide it.

"I have one condition." Clara bargained, knowing it was a risk but if Phil wanted her back that much, he'd meet this demand.

"Just one? That's a surprisingly low amount for you."

"I need Steve's guaranteed safety." Clara announced, looking at the floor somewhat sheepishly that she'd had to ask for this, that it had come to this.

"Why?" Was the only response she was met with. Clara was half expecting Phil to squeal down the phone that he'd get to work for Captain America again.

Clara turned around to stare back into the cathedral where Steve was standing, still staring at the group of Peggy's photos.

"Because he's about to piss off the United States government."

"Deal." Was Phil's response. Clara was just about to hang up when Phil continued. "Clara, I know you probably don't want to come back to HQ but... There's something you're going to want to see. I'll pick you up in 5."

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