Chapter 17- Into Action

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Steve drove into the airport car park and swung up alongside a white van

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Steve drove into the airport car park and swung up alongside a white van. As soon as Steve parked, Clint Barton hopped out of the van an sauntered over. Steve got out and shook his hand, thanking him for helping out. Sam got out too. The rest of the stayed in the car, everyone in the backseat had no choice but to stay seated, it was so cramped they were stuck.

It was even more of a task for Clara to wriggle out of the car as it was for to swap places with Bucky. He reached over her lap to open the door. The allotted space on the seat Clara was allowed was far to small so half of her was hanging over seat.

Once the door was open there was nothing left for Clara to lean on. Her weight was drastically skewed and she lost her balance, once again toppling out of the car.

Instinctively she reached out to grab onto something, anything, to stop her from hitting the floor. Clara's hand grabbed hold of Bucky's. At first both of them flinched but neither wanted to relinquish their grip on the other.

Heather cleared her throat as she got out of the car and the two jumped apart, Clara hastily scrambling to her feet and moving out of the way of the door to let Bucky out.

Clara stood on the other side of the car to Steve and Sam, staying close to Bucky she supposed for old time's sake and nothing more. She composed herself just in time to see a new arrival make a fool out of himself in front of Captain America. Oh how much he reminded her of Phil.

"Cap-captain America!" He spluttered astounded. Steve offered him his hand.

"Mr Lang." He greeted in response. This 'mr Lang' eagerly took Steve's and and shook it rigorously, for far too long and maintaining far too much eye contact.

"Wow! This is awesome!" He announced. "It's Captain America!" He exclaimed, locking eyes with Clara who nodded at him trying not to laugh.

Before 'mr Lang' could make himself look like even more of a fool, an announcement was sounded over the airport's speakers.

"They're evacuating the airport." Bucky stated, realising the little time they had before an inevitable confrontation.

"Stark." Steve confirmed. Clara could see Lang's face contort in confusion and bewilderment as he clocked just who they were referring to. Clara smiled. She too had been that naive as a young S.H.I.E.L.D agent. It seemed like so long ago now.

Steve drew a long breath before announcing to the entire team they had assembled in an airport car park in the middle of nowhere: "suit up."

Clara looked around them and the tiny beetle and the reasonably sized van Clint had brought, they'd never all fit in there.


Maybe there were some public toilets?


A rather long time later, the whole team were dressed and ready to go. Clara had donned her usual S.H.I.E.L.D tactical gear, as was Heather.

As per the plan, Heather would come with Clara. Heather had been reading the quinjet manuels, she would come in handy, and Clara could fly the quinjet better than the others.

They would run in and get the quinjet into the air while the others provided them with the necessary cover they needed. Until then, Clara and Heather were loitering around waiting for their opportunity to strike.

Just as Steve had suspected, Tony flew down for a confrontation. Steve went in alone. The less Tony knew at this stage, the better. Over the earpieces Clara received a running commentary from Sam.

"Cap was right," He began, "Stark's here. Oh and look! So is Rhodey."

A couple of seconds later Clara heard him say: "And cat woman's back. Yipee."

"Oh Nat's here. That's not too bad."

"Sam, you're forgetting she's not on our side." Clara reminded.

"Oh yeah, that's bad then. Real bad."

"Woah, what the hell just happened?!"

"Do I want to ask?" Clara asked.

"Not if you don't have an intrigue with fancy dress costumes." Sam replied, "Remember cat woman?"

"How could I forget." She quipped.

"Well now there's spider kid."

"What?" Clara asked, laughing in disbelief.

"Man that red spandex was a mistake."

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