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I had a good acquaintance that went to my high school. Same ethnicity, same gender, same age. I barely saw her around school, but I knew who she was. We somewhat had the same crowd and knew the same people. I met her a week before she committed suicide. The suicide, of course, was unexpected.

You don't know the impact that you have on other people. I had related to depression and suicidal thoughts as she did, but no one knows how severe something is until it happens- in this case, depression. You don't know how severe depression is until signs are thrown out; self-harm, suicidal thoughts, etc.

Her death impacted me, but probably not as hard as others that were close to her. I couldn't imagine how others were coping with her death throughout the seconds, hours, days, months. I cried here and there, knowing that her existence physically was nonexistent. It hurt to know that I wouldn't see her around anymore.

She always had a smile on her face and never let her sadness show. Her surface emotions were always happy, quiet, sweet. I believe no one knew that she was getting bullied. I found this out after she passed away.

Death is a hard concept to cope with and understand; though we know it's part of life, we are never ready for someone to leave. Especially being emotionally attached to the person. Even if you're not emotionally attached, you still react some type of way during their passing.

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