Finding Hope, Epilogue

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Kuron swore underneath his breath, as he looked at the scans hovering in front of his eyes, he runs the young paladins symptoms through his database "Humans are weak, a frail species." he muttered to himself. If he weren't as intelligent as he was, he'd have corrupted his mission which he couldn't afford to do, his database didn't register the young paladin's state tell after Keith had run past him with the Altean man.

Kuron knew precisely what to do he would blame it on Haggar, say something Shiro would say, like 'She got in my head, and I wasn't thinking straight..' The Voltron coalition was so gullible it would be an easy task.


"That besides the point Shiro! I'm talking about a member of our team that needed a pod, and you could care less!" Keith screamed anger rising higher and higher in his chest.

"And I said I was sorry, why are you blaming me for something I don't even remember? The bloody witch got in my head!"

Keith turned red, he kept calming this, that he didn't so quote remember what had happened after they landed their lions, just fear and pain of losing someone close to him.

"Patience yields focus," Keith told himself as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He breathed deeply. "Ok, ok. I trust you Shiro, but all I know is if it happens again" He clenched his fist that he was just pointing at Shiro as his lips began to quiver ever so slightly. "It might cost someone's life, and I won't be there to back you up!" He turned no longer wanting to talk, leaving Shiro alone.

Kuron smiled an evil dark smile that could scare the Devil himself. He knew that lie would work. He knew that the paladins always tried to see best in people. That would be their downfall.


Allura stared at Lotor through the glass that separated them. He glared back.

"All right Lotor you wanted to talk now talk." Lance spat. Lotor spun now staring at him, a smile on his face. "You may not know it yet paladin, but we are going to be working closely.


It was dark and purple an all too familiar feeling, Shiro lifted himself into a sitting passion against the wall behind him. He moaned in pain putting a hand to the back of his head rubbing it slightly.

He was alone, that was good, that means none of his team were captured as well. His thought wondered to Pidge and how somehow in some way he needed to keep that Galra away from her. He thought about what the witch had said about her bringing Voltron together. He didn't realize it till now, but she was right. It was Pidge who went up onto the rooftops hearing the chatter about Voltron, it was her who had the map that lined up with Keith's, it was her who had brought them all together on by on. He smiled at the thought, Pidge was never much of a people person yet she was the one to bring the ragtag group together. He thought back to when she was little. Her guard was always up until she knew 100% that she could trust you, it took him three years to break that wall but when he did it changed his life forever, making him happy she was like a sister to him, two years later he found Keith, then he left them both behind. He put his head against the cold wall thinking more. She was the heart of Voltron, yes she was a smart child, yes she was brave but she was also his weakness, he knew the others felt the same, no child should ever be fighting in a war, and here was Pidge, age 14 fighting a war in space. A single tear fell off his cheek as he realized with sadness, that there was nothing he could do, for his whole team believed that he was still with them, no one would ever come looking for him.


Pidge was cold, a familiar feeling of when coming out of a pod she felt herself falling forward, expecting hands caught her. "Shiro?" She whispered "No Katie it's me Matt" She opened her eyes to see her brother smiling down on her, she gave a half simile in return. She looked past Matt to see Coran and Keith. "You gave us quite a scare," Coran said more serious then she has ever heard him be, his eyes were watery as he knelt down in front of her. She smiled at him then grabbed him in a hug. "I'm sorry" She whispered only loud enough for the Altean to hear. He squeezed her a little tighter in reply. She let go and walked up to Keith, frowning slightly. Suddenly without any warning, Keith scooped her up in a hug, pulling her off the ground in the proses. He sniffled as he clung to the small paladin. "I'm sorry." She whispered "No, I'm sorry," He told her.

When he finally put her down, she looked around the room eyes widening with worry "The others-?" Matt cut her off "They are all fine, Lance and Allura are talking to Lotor, Hunk is making dinner and Shiro is resting. He refused a pod."

She smirked, "that sounds like Shiro, how long was I in a pod?"

Matt shrugged "Only a couple hours."

She nodded, then looked down seeing she was still in her underclothes for her armor. It was messed up and torn in several places

"We left you in your clothes knowing that your injuries weren't major, the paladin suit is meant to be used in the pod, well" He shrugged "Depending on the condition of the paladin."

She once again nodded "Ok, well I'm going to go and change. Meet you guys in the lounge?" They all silently agreed.


Walking towards the lounge she could hear the familiar sound of laughing which made her speed up her pace she wanted to see her friends and family, she entered the door to see Lance pinned under Keith, arm twisted behind his back. Hunk and Matt were sitting on the couch trying not to laugh, Allura was standing nearby already laughing "I told you not to do that Lance" She managed between laughs

"Yelled!" Keith demanded

"Never!" Lance tried

Keith twisted his arm a little more causing Lance to squeak "Ok, ok I yelled!"

Keith let go and quickly got off him. Lance slumped into a sitting position frowning big.

Keith busted out laughing, "I told you I never lose a bet!"

Pidge began to snicker at Lance's face, He whipped his head into her direction "What you think you can do better?" He mocked.

She raised an eyebrow at the boy before grinning at him "Its on." She leaped over the coach and charged him, he scrambled to his feet "Wait, wait I meant Keith! Go after Keith!" he begged. She slammed into him sending them both to the flour. Pidge moved quickly sitting on Lances back, grabbing his thumb, she forced it into an unconquerable passion.

"Do you yelled?!"


She twisted a little bit more "Are you sure?"

"Yelled, I yelled!"

She smirked. Keith was laughing hysterically "You didn't even have a chance!"

Lance sat up dumbfounded "I wasn't ready, that does not fare" He complained, "Are the Galra gonna wait for you to get ready?" Pidge asked between giggles

Lance had no response just sat there arms crossed frowning at his defeat.

Pidge looked around the room, Coran, Allura, and Keith were all standing laughing. Hunk and Matt were sitting on the couch laughing, Lance was lumped on the floor trying and failing to not smile.

Pidge grinned, this was her family, her home. She felt happy, safe, and hopeful for the first time in a long time.

She had found the hope she was looking for, she had found her brother and was going to find her father, she didn't just hope she knew she would find him.

She frowned slightly, part of her still felt like something was wrong, something was off. She hoped that whatever it was, she could find it and fix it.


You guy, I did it! Book one is now complete! Please let me know what you guy think, and what you would like to see in book two!

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