Authors Note (4)

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Hey y'all, how's it going? I can't believe Christmas is just around the corner! It is literally a month from today!
Any how I have a couple notes to go over
1. I have entered this book into 'Voltron WA 2018'. And would love your votes! Every vote counts so even vote for authors notes, That would mean SO SO SO MUCH to me!
2. Updates for this book might be a little slower then I could like it to, but my parents are going out of town tomorrow until Saturday 👀 and I'm have to watch my siblings, do my college school work/classes and go to work. So this week is jammed packed!
3. I would love for you all to share this book with friends, that would be so awesome!
4. To SmallVoltronTrash I got your tag, and will do it as soon as possible! Thanks for tagging me!
That's all for now, pls pls pls, vote. And even comment! Love y'all

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