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     I was out with Emily in downtown Planeptune. She wanted to go shopping for a few things before having fun, as she said. She keeps asking about the glove and I always say that I'll tell her later. She doesn't seem really satisfied with the answer but what else can I say? I can't explain this to her in public. Although, I did feel that the glove was acting strangely...almost as if it's trying to tell me something. I disregarded that and stayed with Emily until she was finished shopping. 

-"Alright, done! What was it you wanted to show me, Onii-chan?" Emily asked.

-"Well, I can't do it here. Follow me." I said, taking her by the hand and leading her behind a nearby building.

     Once we were out of sight, I brought her close to a wall and whispered.

-"Listen, I think something crazy is happening. The glove on my hand is actually a foundation which can hold 6 different objects. I have only one so far but even then, its ability is unimaginable." I explained.

-"..." Emily remained silent with a disappointed face.

     I don't know why she looks unsatisfied with that answer...anyway, that doesn't matter.

-"Huh? Unimaginable? Why?" Emily asked, tilting her head.


     I lifted my arm and looked at a nearby wooden pallet. I clenched my fist slightly and the pallet fell to pieces! I kept demonstrating the glove's power with various methods. She was completely dumbfounded. I had to explain everything, of course. It didn't take long, though. I'm just glad she's up to speed with me. There was only one problem. That feeling of strangeness coming from the glove only increased once I told her. I couldn't figure out why, however. I felt really uneasy for the rest of the day. Of course, I had to tell Emily to play it cool and act like nothing happened.

Nepgear P.O.V.

-"So? Did you find it?" I asked.

-"Nepgear, you've asked that 10 times now." Uni said.

-"Sorry, I'm just really worried. What if it's a serious threat? Our sisters just got Gamindustri back to its peaceful state and I'm afraid that we're gonna get attacked again." I said.

-"Don't worry Nepgear! Even if it's another bad guy or something, we'll beat it up real good! Right, Rom?" Ram said, her violent tendencies showing again.

-"Uh-huh. We'll take care of the meanies!" Rom said in her soft voice.

     Just yesterday, Lastation's satellites picked up a massive energy signature. Normally, there would be a natural explanation for this. But this time, it was so strong that the systems classified it as able to rival our sisters' share energy. The four of us were going to find it, whatever it was, and do a bit of scouting. 

-"There, got it. It's in the park now." Uni said.

-"Alright, let's be careful though. We don't know if the source is dangerous or not." I said.

-"Who cares! Let's just go!" Ram said, running off.

-"Wait up, Ram!" Rom said, running after her.

     Uni and I went after them too. I really hope it's nothing too serious.

Cole P.O.V.

     Emily and I were sitting on a park bench, she handled my new ability a lot better than I thought she would. I suppose I should be happy for that. I felt a tug at my sleeve and turned to face Emily.

-"Onii-chan!" Emily asked excitedly.

-"Yeah?" I asked.

-"Can I have some?" 

Dimensional Balance (CPU Candidates x Writer) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now