张真源 & 宋亚轩 - 你曾是少年 (Wings of My Words)

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English title: Wings of My Words

Cover by 张真源 & 宋亚轩 (Zhang Zhen Yuan & Song Ya Xuan)

Original song by S.H.E

Lyricist: Xiao Yang

Composer: Yang Zi Pu


你曾是少年 (Ni Ceng Shi Shao Nian) Lyrics

yǒuxiē shíhòu nǐ huáiniàn cóngqián rìzi
有些時候 你懷念從前日子
Sometimes you would miss the past days

kě tiānzhēn líkāi shí nǐ què méi shuō yīgè zì
可天真離開時 你卻沒說一個字
But when you really left you didn't even say a word

nǐ zhǐshì huī yī huīshǒu xiàng rēng diào fèi zhǐ
你只是揮一揮手 像扔掉廢紙
You only waved your hand, like throwing away wastepaper

shuō shì rénshēng bì jīng de shì
Saying it is an inevitable thing in life

jiǔ hē dào qī fēn què yòu gǎnjué chàngránruòshī
酒喝到七分 卻又感覺悵然若失
Drinking until one almost become drunk but you could still feel a sense of loss

jìngzi lǐmiàn xiàng kàn dào rénshēng zhōngdiǎn
鏡子裡面 像看到人生終點
In the mirror it seems like you can see the end of life

huòxǔ zàiguò shàng jǐ nián nǐ yěyǒu zhāng xūwèi de liǎn
或許再過上幾年 你也有張虛偽的臉
Perhaps after a few years you will also become a hypocrite

nándào wǒmen shì wèile zhèyàng cái lái dào zhè shìshàng
難道我們 是為了這樣 才來到這世上
Is it really because of this that we have come to this world?

zhè wèntí láibují xiǎng měi yītiān yī nián zǒng shì cōngcōng máng mang
這問題來不及想 每一天一年 總是匆匆忙忙
This question we won't have time to think it through and days and years have already passed

nǐ wǒ láizì húběi sìchuān guǎngxī níngxià hénán shāndōng guìzhōu yúnnán de xiǎo zhèn xiāngcūn
You and me come from towns and villages in Hubei, Si Chuan, Guang Xi, Ning Xia, He Nan, Shan Dong, Gui Zhou and Yun Nan

céngjīng fāshì yào zuò liǎobùqǐ de rén
曾經發誓 要做了不起的人
We have sworn before to become great people

què zài běijīng shànghǎi guǎngzhōu shēnzhèn mǒu tiān yèbàn hūrán xǐng lái zhàn zài jìmò de yángtái
卻在北京上海廣州深圳某天夜半忽然醒來 站在寂寞的陽臺
But we would suddenly wake up someday in the middle of the night and stand on a lonely balcony in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shen Zhen

zhǐ xiǎng cóng zhè wúbiān de jì mò zhōng táo chūlái
Only wanting to escape from this endless loniless

xǔduō nián qián nǐ yǒuyīshuāng qīngchè de shuāngyǎn
許多年前 你有一雙清澈的雙眼
Several years ago you had a pair of pure eyes

bēnpǎo qǐlái xiàng shì yīdào chūntiān de shǎndiàn
奔跑起來 像是一道春天的閃電
When you started to run you looked like lightning in spring

xiǎng kàn biàn zhè shìjiè qù zuì yáoyuǎn de yuǎnfāng
想看遍這世界 去最遙遠的遠方
Wanting to see the whole world, going to the furthest place

gǎnjué yǒu shuāng chìbǎng néng fēiyuè gāoshān hé hǎiyáng
感覺有雙翅膀 能飛越高山和海洋
Feeling like you had a pair of wings so you could cross high mountains and oceans

xǔduō nián qián nǐ céng shìgè púsù de shàonián
許多年前 你曾是個樸素的少年
Several years ago you were once a simple youngster

ài shàng yīgè rén jiù bùpà fùchū zìjǐ yīshēng
愛上一個人 就不怕付出自己一生
When you had fallen in love with someone you wouldn't be afraid to put your whole life into it

xiāngxìn ài huì yǒnghéng xiāngxìn měi gè mòshēng rén
相信愛會永恆 相信每個陌生人
Believing that love will last forever, believing in every stranger

xiāngxìn nǐ huì chéngwéi zuì xiǎng chéngwéi de rén
Believing that you will become the person you want to become the most

xíguàn shuōhuǎng jiùshì biàn chéngshúle ma
習慣說謊 就是變成熟了嗎
Getting used to telling lies does that mean you have become mature?

yǒu yī tào fáng zǐ zhīhòu cáinéng qù ài biérén ma
有一套房子之後 才能去愛別人嗎
After owning a house is that when you can love someone?

zǒng shì yǐwéi chénggōng zhīhòu jiù néng fǔ píng shānghén
總是以為 成功之後 就能撫平傷痕
Always thinking after becoming successful wounds would be able to heal

yùwàng biān máizhe cuòguò de rén
欲望邊埋著 錯過的人
Longing after people that you have missed out and buried in your heart

dāng qīngchūn hào jìn zhǐ shèng miànmù kězēng
當青春耗盡 只剩面目可憎
Once your youth is up what is left is only your hateful appearance

nǐ wǒ láizì húběi sìchuān guǎngxī níngxià hénán shāndōng guìzhōu yúnnán de xiǎo zhèn xiāngcūn
You and me come from towns and villages in Hubei, Si Chuan, Guang Xi, Ning Xia, He Nan, Shan Dong, Gui Zhou and Yun Nan

céngjīng fāshì yào zuò liǎobùqǐ de rén
曾經發誓 要做了不起的人
We have sworn before to become great people

què zài běijīng shànghǎi guǎngzhōu shēnzhèn mǒu tiān yèbàn hūrán xǐng lái xiàng bèi mìngyùn jiào xǐngle
卻在北京上海廣州深圳某天夜半忽然醒來 像被命運叫醒了
But we would suddenly wake up someday in the middle of the night as if being woken up by fate

tā shuō nǐ bùnéng jiù zhèyàngguò wán yīshēng
Saying to you that you can't let your life just pass like this

xǔduō nián qián nǐ yǒu yīshuāng qīngchè de shuāngyǎn
許多年前 你有一雙清澈的雙眼
Several years ago you had a pair of pure eyes

bēnpǎo qǐlái xiàng shì yīdào chūntiān de shǎndiàn
奔跑起來 像是一道春天的閃電
When you started to run you looked like lightning in spring

xiǎng kàn biàn zhè shìjiè qù zuì yáoyuǎn de yuǎnfāng
想看遍這世界 去最遙遠的遠方
Wanting to see the whole world, going to the furthest place

gǎnjué yǒu shuāng chìbǎng néng fēiyuè gāoshān hé hǎiyáng
感覺有雙翅膀 能飛越高山和海洋
Feeling like you had a pair of wings so you could cross high mountains and oceans

xǔduō nián qián wǒ céng shìgè púsù de shàonián
許多年前 我曾是個樸素的少年
Several years ago I was once a simple youngster

ài shàng yīgè rén jiù bùpà fùchū zìjǐ yīshēng
愛上一個人 就不怕付出自己一生
When I had fallen in love with someone I wouldn't be afraid to put my whole life into it

xiāngxìn ài huì yǒnghéng xiāngxìn měi gè mòshēng rén
相信愛會永恆 相信每個陌生人
Believing that love will last forever, believing in every stranger

dāng wǒ hé shìjiè chū xiāng jiàn dāng wǒ céngjīng shì shàonián
當我和世界初相見 當我曾經是少年
That was the time when I met the world, the time when I was still a youngster

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