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"I don't love you anymore."

Those simple, harsh words each pierce Taeyong's tender heart as they tumble from pretty red lips. His own lips fall open, glossy eyes blowing wide. The tears gather along his waterline, threatening to spill over like a dam. His eyelashes brush against his high cheekbones as he tries to rapidly blink away the tears, but to no avail.

He laughs nervously, his voice high and pathetic, wobbly. "Th-that's not funny, Jae," he can't help the quiver in his voice as he stutters. His chest squeezes his lungs tightly, preventing him from breathing normally. His breath escapes his lips in small, shaky breaths, his heart hammering away at his rib cage.

Jaehyun stays silent, keeping his dark gaze averted. His gaze was on anything but on the man before him. Taeyong lets his own gaze wash over the younger's pristine features, trying to find any indication that he was lying. Anything at all. But, there was nothing but an emotionless face, stoic and placid. His black eyelashes flutter with each slow blink, his cheekbones casting delicate shadows upon his pale cheeks, lips red and glistening, pressed into a thin line. His shoulders hunch, hands clasping at each other on the tabletop.

There was just...nothing.

"Jaehyun..." Taeyong chokes out, the silence choking him. Jaehyun glances at him from under his lashes, irises falling on Taeyong's nose rather than meeting his eyes. "...please tell me you're lying." He begs, his voice cracking. "Please."

Then, he murmurs a pathetic, "I'm sorry." He averts gaze once again, not wanting to look at the older at all. The deplorable apology slaps Taeyong in the face, the tears finally slipping from his eyes. He wipes them away with his wrist, bowing his head wistfully. He felt pathetic, stupid. His hair falls across his face as he bows it, hiding his face away from the younger, beautiful male sitting across from him.

Taeyong raises his gaze, eyes settling upon Jaehyun's large, soft hand sitting innocently upon the tabletop. He sniffles, reaching out for it; fingertips barely brushing the pale skin when Jaehyun jerks his hand away as though burnt.

Taeyong feels the broken shards of his heart being crushed beneath Jaehyun's heel, splintering into dust. Jaehyun owned his heart, his everything—now, he just completely destroyed it with a few painful words.

"C-can you at least tell me what I did wrong?" Taeyong whispers, a sob clawing at his throat, trying to break free.

Sighing softly, Jaehyun stares at his hands that have now relocated to his lap. His irises were large, staring almost cross-eyed in the cutest way possible, red lips slightly pursed. Taeyong thinks he looks like a cute puppy.

"I just fell out of love with you, that's all." He whispers, and Taeyong frowns, licking away the salty tears that trickled past his lips.


Jaehyun raises his gaze, finally daring to look at the broken-hearted man before him. Inhaling deeply, Taeyong watches as the younger's soft chest inflates, broad shoulders lifting before falling.

"You annoyed me." He says bluntly, biting the corner of his lip. Another harsh stab punctures Taeyong's shattered heart, eliciting a small yelp of pain as he gnaws on his lip. "You got too clingy, you were too needy. You were like a dog, demanding attention twenty-four-seven, even when I was busy with my classes. You know how busy my schedule gets, yet you'd always put yourself first, even when I was exhausted."

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