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Oh my god, here we go again; another list of ideas or concepts I'm thinking of writing drafts of; comment on the ones you like. These are (once again) mostly Jaeyong.

1. everyone/taeyong bet AU
(Inspired by a fic on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16665517/chapters/39078064 but I'm changing mine up a lot if I do write it, which I doubt it. Instead of in college and the bet being on who can fuck him first, it's in a private high school and Taeyong is new).
Taeyong is the new student at school, and a group of friends (consisting of Taeil, Johnny, Yuta, Kun, Doyoung, Ten, Jaehyun, Sicheng, Jungwoo, Lucas and Mark) immediately have heart eyes for the pretty newcomer. They play a game of "who can woo the pretty boy first", but it turns out to be harder than first anticipated.

2. Sekai neighbours AU
Sehun and Jongin are neighbours. They hate each other. Jongin says Sehun's dog and parties are annoying. Sehun says Jongin's face is annoying. Sehun's friend reckons it's just Sehun being horny and wanting a good ass to fuck.

3. Junhwan Captive Prince AU
Based on the Captive Prince trilogy by C.S Pacat (since I'm not creative, I'll be using the kingdom names from the books). Junhoe was meant to be the king of Akeilos, but his brother betrayed him and sent him off as a slave to the opposing kingdom, Vere, as a gift for the prince. Jinhwan is small, pretty and delicate, but he is cruel, cunning and so very interesting.

4. Sekai slave AU
In this world, slaves are normal. They are sold at auctions to the rich to use as they please. Slaves are usually those of colour, those of the purest skin at the top of the pyramid. Sehun is lucky enough to have beautifully pale skin and be a part of one of the richest families in the country. He attends his first slave auction, and he was able to get his hands on the most beautiful person he had ever seen, but not without spending $35 million on him with the help of a friend. Jongin was the slaves name, and he was truly beautiful.

5. Jaeyong Astro Boy AU
Jaehyun dies in an accident. His father goes crazy and rebuilds him as a robot. Jaehyun messes up a few times, and he is discarded. He is found by a robot circus, and after long and painful labour there, he escapes. He comes across a pretty human boy who he instantly falls for. He can't find it in him to tell Taeyong that he's a robot.

6. Jaeyong Seirei Tsukai no Bladedance AU
This one is a bit confusing to explain so here's an extract from Wikipedia:

 Jaeyong Seirei Tsukai no Bladedance AUThis one is a bit confusing to explain so here's an extract from Wikipedia:

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Jaehyun as Kamito Kazehaya, Taeyong as Claire Rouge and other members popping up here and there. Includes naked Taeyong ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

7. Jaeyong mechanic AU
Taeyong is a college student who fucks up his car. He knows about cars and how to fix them, but he doesn't have the money to buy the parts and do it himself. So he asks around and finds a cheap but relatively good mechanic in the local area and takes his car there for repair. He didn't expect the mechanic to be so fucking hot. Or such a fucking tease.

8. Jaeyong psychologist/therapist AU
Jaehyun has PTSD from a traumatic experience and he refuses to see a psychologist. However, he changes his mind after a kind man on the train expertly calms him down during one of his severe panic attacks. The man's name was Dr. Lee Taeyong and he was a psychologist.

9. Jaeyong stalker & soulmate AU
They say in your dreams, you can see through the eyes of your soulmate. When Taeyong sleeps, however, all he sees is himself.

10. Norenmin "friend request" AU
Loosely based off the horror movie "Friend Request", Renjun is a lonely student who just wants a friend. He falls for Jaemin, the pretty boy who has hundreds of friends online and is always surrounded by smiles. He's also happily dating Jeno. Renjun just wants Jaemin to love him, to be his friend. By any means necessary.

11. Jaeyong "the boy" AU
Based off the horror movie "The Boy", Taeyong is asked to babysit a boy for an elderly couple in the countryside of England, and he takes the job to get away from his past and earn himself some good cash. But when he gets there, he is shocked to find that he must take care of a doll named Yuta rather than a boy. He also finds that the grocery boy, Jaehyun, is extremely good at flirting, and that the house seems to be isolated. When the elderly couple leave, strange things occur with the doll that really make Taeyong question if it really is just a doll.

12. Jaeyong cardverse AU
Set on an island known as the Isle of Cards, there are four kingdoms that rule it—Spades, Clubs, Hearts and Diamonds. Each kingdom is ruled by a King, and a Queen, along with an Ace and a Jack by their side. The Royals all have tattoos of their respective symbol upon their bodies, showing that they are capable of being rulers of their kingdoms. Each kingdom has a massive wall built around it to protect those inside, but there are outlying villages in amongst the forest outside of the kingdoms. Taeyong is a regular villager from Mieu, a village furthest from the gate of the Spades kingdom. His world changes forever when his village is attacked by Unknowns; people who were kicked out of their kingdoms or villages and live in the forests of the Isle. Taeyong also discovers that he may not be as normal as he first thought.
(Thanks to supernova71 for reminding me of this story)

13. Yusol "The Village" AU
Loosely based of the movie "The Village" (basically no stupid twist yeet), in an isolated village that is terrorised by human-eating creatures called cannibals (in this universe they aren't humans), lives humans who wear yellow to try and scare off the creatures who love the colour red. Yuta is among those humans, but he has a huge disadvantage—he is blind. One day, some of the villagers who think his blindness is contagious, purposefully lead him into the woods where the cannibals live. He comes across a man in the woods named Hansol, and Yuta finds Hansol extremely nice and comforting, even if he smelt of blood.

14. Jaeyong blind florist AU
Taeyong is a blind florist. Jaehyun is a love struck teenager.

15. Jaeyong revenge/hitman AU
At the age of seven, Jaehyun witnessed a hitman killing his mother. That night, he had vowed to take down the man who killed his mother, avenging her. Ten years later, his history class gets a substitute teacher, one who is ruthless in his teaching ways, is flat as hell, has a huge thigh gap and pretty face. Jaehyun hates him, he doesn't know why but he just hates him. The teacher seems to pick on Jaehyun the most, and the two have many confrontations. But there was something off about Lee Taeyong, when he'd come to class limping or with makeup covering bruises on his skin.

That's all for now! Which ones did you like the best?

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