Chapter six-
Jason's POV
I practically ran down the side walk huffing in and out cold puffs of air. I stomped my feet down as I ran trying to push myself out further more. I smiled, I hope I get this job. Perfect for me. Close to my collage, and close to home. Perfect. I really need to hurry or I'm going to be late for my job interview. I looked down the street to see no cars coming and well the stop light was way to far away, and frankly I'm really lazy today considering I had no sleep for the past few days. I began walking across the first side of the street stopping at the middle and continuing. I heard a car rev loudly, I stopped. My feet somehow glued to the street. My eyes widen as the car zoom right at me.
Agony exploded all over my body. Red horrible agony. I could feel my face press against something cool and flat. Something that reassured me that there wasn't only pain that I could feel. I could hear the tires of the car stop suddenly and speed up again, hearing the squeak of rubber on ash fault. I could hear people around yell, and a roar of bellowing in my ear. I think that's me. My body was just consumed in pain, was too much. Can I ever survive something like this. I tried rolling over onto my back, but a splurge of blood escaped my mouth and I had to stay like this. I hear chaos sound in the background. Yells of help and dialling were all I could hear. I felt warm liquid surround my cheek, soaking my hair and my clothes. Who was that? Why did that person do that, and just leave me here to die? I could feel my mouth open and the veins in my neck pop out, I'm screaming? I balled my hands into fists and locked my jaw, just to help stop my pain.
"Are you okay?" a soft musical voice asked, falling to her knees and putting her hands on my arms trying to help me get up. I sucked in a sharp agonizing breath of air. "Sorry," she mumbled, resting my arms back down on the ground and closing her eyes, trying to concentrate. "My name is June, and an ambulance is on its way," a girl with short red curly hair said. Her hair framed her chubby yet cute face perfectly and her eyes were as deep green as the sea. I closed my eyes and felt my heart beat faster and faster but my breathing slowed down. The pain began to dig deep into my body and muscles making the pain unbearable. My body began twitching, as my breathing began to lessen in speed more and more. My mind was dizzy with pictures and video of my life in a flash like lightening. But every so often would slow just to show me a video of my first kiss, my tenth birthday where Miranda pushed cake in my face and other important things.
If this is how a person dies it sucks. Its painful and it sucks. My mind began to shut down only allowing me to see. My breathing halted to a stop and my lungs went a flame. My eyes closed shut and I felt my self give out a long and painful breath before everything stopped and all the pain flushed away leaving me limp and lifeless, just floating around in a dark black void. I love you mom, dad, Miranda...

Revenge: hurt, beat and killed
Teen Fictionthe second book of the murdered series Brandon is back and ready for the kill. can Miranda survive his rage, and perfect.. well everything or will she give in and go, along with her best friend and soon to be other people? please read to find out (F...