chapter seven

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im sorry this isnt much, im really busy with school:( being a freshmans hard:p aha XD well please enjoy and comment:)

Chapter seven

Miranda's POV

I shuffled through the clothes my mom gave me and picked out and changed into them in the bathroom inside my hospital room. Home here I come, I thought smiling and fixing the hood on my sweater. I stuffed all my clothes into the bag and tossed the hospital dress on my messy undone bed. I never want to be back here again I thought before opening the door and strolling out into the wide lively hall. Nurses were hustling and bustling about, writing jot notes on clipboards, their shoes squeaking against the shiny floor. I inhaled the damp hospital air and walked to the elevator, and pressing the down button. I waited for the elevator tapping my foot to the music that was playing in my head. I laughed inaudibly, I finally get to leave this horrid place full of fake perky nurses and bored to death doctors with no emotion. What's taking the elevator so long? I stabbed at the down button with my finger watching the blue light flicker every time I press the button. Ding, The elevator sounded and the metal doors slid open with a nice clean swishing sound. "Move, move, move!" a deep voice bellowed, I widened my eyes to a tall bulky dark skinned man wearing a black paramedic outfit and a stethoscope sloped around his neck. He gripped the metal railing of a gurney with a bloody young man in it. His eyes were closed but his face has shards of rock and glass in it. A white fluffy neck brace was wrapped around his neck and his shirt was ripped open at the front with little circle suction cups connected to his chest with wires winding down from them and plugging into a machine making a faint beeping noise. His heartbeat?... I sucked in a deep breath and held it, I looked past the grim and bloody gore to see a familiar face.

Jason. I squeaked, grabbing hold on the railing and yelling at Jason to wake up. "Hey, Hey you!" the Paramedic barked waving his hand at my arm, "Who are you, Get away from the patient," he bellowed hulling the gurney even faster. "I'm his sister don't you dare tell me what the hell I can and can't do," I snapped, tears welled up in my eyes as they wondered towards his scrapped and bloody face. Tears flowed down my cheeks in waterfalls. I ran down the hall with the railing of the gurney in one hand. This is going to be one long day. I thought.

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