Chapter 11

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Laying here looking up at the ceiling. i had never been so bored in my entire life, even my junior year right before summer in algebra wasn't this boring. it was hell! i had just eaten with siti. in this room i mean. i hadn't left this place yet. i slept for a while i didn't have a thing to entertain me. i sang myself to sleep eventually. i felt peace for a second. there was no one here,watching me while i slept, i was undisturbed, Loki had locked the door before he left there were outside and i could hear them. it wasnt fair! i hadn't been touched,that was good i guessed that he was just going to leave me alone for a while. sleeping on my back was beginning to be my new favorite thing, i'm a kind of light sleeper that is when i want to be so you can imagine how fast my eyes snapped open when i heard the faint click of the door being unlocked. i just turned my head to look at it. loki came in. his eyes had no emotion his face was blank.

''i've been away from you all day pet.'' he said in an outre tone. i didn't like it. ''so you have.'' i say as a matter-o-factly, i looked at the window, it had to be about 9-ish i guess, loki began to slowly close the door. looking at me the whole time. a blank look still painted on his gorgeous sharp features, in truth, because i hated to lie to myself,he was beautiful,i just wish he didn't have to be so cruel all the time.all demons had disguises didn't they? he locked the door. ''now, now dear i've thought it over i think,that if we tried it again,this experience would become quite enjoyable.'' a million meanings of what he meant all flashed in my head at once. as he advanced to me, i got up and dashed to the bathroom. i heard him behind me.

i managed to close the door and lock it. ''open the door.'' loki cooed from the other side, i didnt listen i sat on the sink. loki put his 'hand?' on the door, ''come now, this is getting tiresome.'' he said. i could hear the mild annoyance in his voice. ''You stay away from me!'' i shouted. it was a split second and then i heard pounding on the door. ''Opened this damned door you wretched midgardian girl!'' he yelled it made me cringe. defiantly i shouted, ''NO!'' he hit the door again, ''OPEN IT NOW!'' he yelled. i waited i wondered how long this would go on. ''Open this door or else your dearest cousin will suffer.'' i froze, apparently not very long. ''got you didnt i?'' he asked. ''yes, i put that on odin that, i will mutilate her in the most unimaginable ways.'' he unlocked the door. ''good girl.'' it flung open, almost hitting me. and i was dragged out of the bathroom roughly by my wrist, we didn't even get to the bed, loki just  pulled me halfway and, of course i struggled, i stood on my feet. he tried to push me back down and i was kicked,it was simple but i fell. he ran his hands over me. i whimpered and protested but he was determined.

he shimmied my underwear off slowly,teasingly. i didn't move. he moved some more of my dress off of me and bent down to my inner thigh. he grazed his lips over it and gently bit into me. that caused me to wriggle, did i like that? he left me and sat up. removing his black and gold armor, he didnt even bother the remove my dress anymore than what he had already he just lay on top me and threatened to violate me right here on the floor. i closed my eyes and thought of other things,just wishing he would get this all over with. i had only been here for about four days, someone had to be looking for me by now. they had to. i felt my arms pinned above my head and loki licked my neck. ''all bad girls must be punished.'' he whispered menacingly in my ear.

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