Getting Ready

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Zoro woke up to his alarm next to his bed slamming it to shut it off. Groggy he sits up as he rubs his eyes trying to remember what happened. Almost a week has past since the reunion and he became really busy at work. He looks around the room to see his clothes dropped everywhere. He slides off the bed and attempts to stand but couldn't and falls. He looks down at himself to see he's completely naked. After taking a break he attempts to stand up again walking to bathroom to take a quick shower. He walks out feeling refreshed. He puts on grey sweats but before he could find a shirt he hears a knock on the door. He goes to open it to find Nami and Robin. Surprised he looks at them.

"What are you both doing here? How did find out where I live?"

"We asked Luffy." Nami says as they walk in his apartment.

"Nami don't you need to go back to work or something." He says as he closes the door behind them.

"I'm on vacation so I decided to-whaaa!" She yells as she turns to Zoro who lock the door. He turns quickly surprised by her sudden outburst, she even shocked Robin.

"What?" He asks walking up to her.

"Your back."

"Back?" Zoro says, then rushes to the bathroom. He shows his back to the mirror and turns his head over his shoulder and sees his back is full of bites and kiss marks. What happened the day before, the night before, it all came rushing in. He started to blush hard. He goes to his room and picks up his clothes on the floor and puts it in the laundry basket while he picks up a clean shirt and puts it on as he walks into the living room. The girls smile at him.

"So, whose the man?" The girls ask at the same time. Zoro starts blushing again.

"No one. So why are you both here?" He sits on the couch with the girls.

"You aren't answering your phone so we came to get you."

"Oh right, my phone broke. I need to get a new one but been to busy."

"Well think about that later, we need to get you to the suit shop. Put your shoes on and let's go." Nami says pulling Zoro up from the couch. They help him put his shoes on and push him out his apartment.

"Suit for what?" They walk down the busy street.

"You didn't stay long so you wouldn't know, Usopp and Kaya are getting married soon. They already have everything planned all they need is for us to show up."

"When's the wedding?"

"I think he said on Saturday almost two weeks from now."

"Really?" Zoro turns to her.

"Why, are you busy?"

"Sunday after the wedding I have plans with coworkers."

"Plans with coworkers," Robin repeats.

"You've been so vague lately." Zoro stays quiet, he knows that he is. They were all so close but when everyone left he didn't really have anyone to talk to like he did during high school. Sometimes he would ask the girls for advice about something but since they left he didn't have anyone to talk to anymore so it's weird to have them back and he didn't know how much to tell them. "Here." They direct Zoro to a nice looking shop for suits. They walk in and Luffy, Franky, Brook, Sanji, Luane, Ace and Sabo are sitting around.

"Good everyones is here." Usopp says as he stands up. "Zoro how come you didn't pick your phone?" Usopp asks.

"Did you fight with Tom again?" Luffy asks, Zoro glares at him.

"Tom?" Nami asks teasing Zoro. Zoro takes a big breath. "Whose Tom?" Nami gets close to him.

"Alright let's get started." A man with a tape measure around his neck says. He looks at all of them. "Can you, you and you take your shirt off so I can measure." He says pointing at Franky, Brook and Zoro who looks up extremely fast and looks horrified. He looks back at Nami and Robin who are playing with Luane.

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