One On One

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Sanji walked in double door, past the front desk and into the elevator. He listen to the elevator music as he tap his foot to the annoying rhythm. He just couldn't help it. His foot had a mind of its own. When he finally reaches the floor he wanted to on the door opens and he walks down the hallway past another front desk. He kept on walking, his mind full of Zoro and only Zoro. Hes been thinking about him a lot lately, sad to say with Luane but she thinks about him too.

Sanji had to admit that this is the most times hes gotten to visit the hospital and contrary to popular belief it didn't smell bad. Weirdly it didn't smell like anything, and if you dis smell something it would be the smell of hand sanitizer. Then there's the atmosphere. Most people he saw looked dead. Like they have no emotion and they were just dolls. Almost everyone here is so sad a depressed. No wonder Luffy volunteers to help with Chopper cheer up the kids. Its horrible and sad for everyone. The worst part is seeing the nurses try so hard to lift the spirits of their patient only for it to not work and have them to get saddened too.

Sanji saw two figures coming towards him. Looking closer he saw that they are familiar. A grin spreads on his face. "Dadan and Arin." Sanji calls out to them with a wave. Arin look a little glum, the same with Dadan.

"Sanji," Dadan says and Arin lifts his head up to see him.

"Finally came to visit?" He asks.

"Yeah. Arins been wanting to visit him since we heard he woke up." She says looking down at the boy she held hands with.

"It didn't got well?" Sanji asks with a head tilt.

"He didn't seem there. He smiled but didn't at the same time. What happened?" She had to know.

"That's hard to tell but Arin," Sanji gets on his knees. "He'll be ok. He's strong and the next thing you know we'll all be at the house while you and Luane play Mario Brothers again." Sanji ends the sentence with a smile. Arin cracks a grin too.

"I want to play with Luane again." Arin says softly, almost above a whisper but Sanji heard it. His smile grows.

"And You will." Sanji says standing up and ruffles the little boys hair. "Bye." He says waving them off. Sanji continues to walk to Zoro's hospital room, bow feeling nervous.

His goal was to to talk to Zoro but now? Knowing that Zoro wasn't really there wasn't a confidence booster. He wanted to talk. After making up his mind he didn't think that he wouldn't be able to talk to him. He felt a little jealous while he taught him how to cook. And while he did teach him how to cook he took that seriously and didn't talk to the man other than what he needed to know about cooking. He only got talking when he first met Arin and the night Zoro got kidnapped.

Walking into the room quietly and slowly, not knowing what to expect. Maybe Zoro lying on the bed like a corpse with his eyes open. But what he got is Zoro sitting on the couch with his knees tucked to his chest, his arms crossed on his knees and his face looking out the window. He didn't really look like he is there but then Zoro let out a long and sad sigh before resting his head on his arms.

Hes never seen Zoro like this before. Never seen Zoro curl up into a ball. Zoro was always open and free if that made any sense. Sanji looked at the floor and decided that he was going to continue and go threw with what he gad already decided. He likes Zoro and this isn't going to stop him and with each passing moment he wants him and he likes him more and more. Thinking about all the wonderful things that make Zoro, Zoro. Or the things that make Zoro absolutely beautiful.

Sanji can't believe it took so long to figure it out.

He knocks on the door catching Zoro's attention. Their eyes lock and Zoro's is dead. There is no light, no fire, and no sparkle. Sanji trembled. His resolve cracking. He cant stop, he just can't though. So much time wasted, so much time to think about them and so much time to see if he'll get this chance to talk to him again. Hes not going to waist it this time.

Sanji walks in and set the bag in his hand down on the small table for the hospital bed. He gives Zoro a cheeky grin. "Hey," he says softly. Zoro just turns his head away. "you seem to be in thought about something, want to talk about it?" Sanji asks. Hoping Zoro would agree. But he doesn't, he shakes his head. "I saw Arin and Dadan, they seemed really worried. Arin really wants to see you, have fun." Sanji talks but Zoro just listens. If that's the case. "Everyone was so worried that we all stayed at the house. But now we are slowly going back to our own houses, places, home." Sanji stops, he hears Zoro sniffle. He looks up to see the man looking out the window, he could see something gleaming down his cheek. "Zoro? What's wrong?" Sanji pulls out his handkerchief. He attempt to give it to Zoro but he doesn't take it. "Did I say something? What's this about?" Sanji asks. Why isn't Zoro talking? Yeah he wasn't much for talking in the past but in this situation you would think he would want to talk it out, tell someone what he's feeling.

"I miss him," Zoro says, voice cracked and low.

"Him? Who?" Sanji asks just wanting to make sure he's thinking about the right person, no way he's going to miss his kidnappers. That's weird.

"Jamie. I, we had a good life." Zoro says.

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