Sitting Ducks

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The whole group sat in the living room. Tashigi, Nami, Robin, and Perona all sat on the couch in the living while Sanji pace back and forth in front of the tv, Franky, Brook and Usopp stood awkwardly in their place. Ace and Luffy sat on the floor shaking their legs impatient. It's been two almost three weeks since Zoro was abducted from his apartment and they've all been waiting for Sabo or Smoker to show up with news that they have found him. Or call that he's currently at the hospital. One thing is for sure, they are all worried and most of them feel left out. The ASL brother's, Tashigi and Smoker all seem to know something they aren't sharing.

From what the other's know is that Zoro got kidnapped before three years ago. That's it. No other detail has been releases by them. Sabo only ever told Smoker and Tashigi about his investigation and how it's going, when he takes a break. Smoker is obviously working next to Sabo the whole way through. Seeing those two work together made everyone else curious, worried but mostly left out. Especially when they see them talk to Tashigi too. How could they not feel left out?

They all have been staying at the house, the house where someone broke into to put a camera in Zoro's room. They also found one in front of the bathroom and front door.  With further inspections everyone calmed down about being in the house. The house was now full of the straw hat's and friends. No one left, only to get food and or extra clothes. Everyone has been living here for the two, almost three weeks. It was full and chaotic but very nostalgic.

It's past dinner and the sun set a long time ago. It's been like this the whole time. They all wait in the living room until they are sleepy and can't keep their eyes open anymore. They wait for Sabo to come take a break so they can ask him 'how's it going' or for Smoker to come check on Tashigi and ask him the same question.

Tashigi looks down at her phone then starts texting before sending it and putting it down on her lap. Sanji gets his phone out of his pocket and looks down at it. He looks over at Tashigi who is sadly rubbing her stomach.

"I'm going to go to the store for some late night snacks." Sanji announces not waiting for anyone to answer back. He leaves going out the door and walking down the street before his phone rings again. He looks at it and sees it's another text from Tashigi.

Sabo and Smoker have found Zoro. Sanji stops walking, staring at his phone then looking up at the sky. Is this for real? He looks back at his phone.

Are you serious? Really? Sanji hits reply. He could feel his hands shaking and his legs. After two or three weeks of waiting they all started to give up. 

Yes. Smoker just told me. They found where he's being held. Here's the address. Go check, and see him. Tashigi texts, then he gets the address. But before he clicks on it he has to ask.

Why are you telling me and not everyone else?

They'll call us to let us know, plus you are a lot more worried than anyone else. I think that has to do with the fact that you love him don't you, and you've told him your feelings.

How did you figure that out? Sanji asks blush coming onto his cheeks.

Luane told me everything. She wants Zoro back just as much as you do. So go. Sanji clicks the address and starts running. It's been a while since he's been in the city. He has kind of forgot where everything was but he knew the address. It's an abandoned house near warehouses that aren't used anymore. Questions came up.  Why would the kidnappers take Zoro there? Why would Zoro be kidnapped by anyone anyways? Is he fine?

Sanji ran faster as he saw the lights of police cars reflecting off the ground. He ran until he was stopped by some officers guarding the side of the street. "Hey let me in, let me see Zoro." He shouts as he tries to get past them. The officers held him still hands gripping harder after hearing Zoro's name. He knew in the back of his mind that he sounds suspicious but he could care less at the moment. He wants to see Zoro, to know he's found.

As he continue to thrash around trying to get the officers off him he sees something behind him. He stops completely. Smoker comes running out shouting but the world's sounds has faded around him so he has no idea what Smoker is yelling. Sanji is only focused on the body in his arms. Sanji couldn't believe what he's seeing. There lay Zoro, in their old high school uniform completely disheveled and ripped. Blood soaking some parts and dripping down his arm. His body lifeless and eyes closed. His skin is not the beautiful bronze it was when he last saw him but almost a pale caramel color. His three blood spotted gold earrings swinging easily as Smoker moves him around. 

Zoro doesn't look fine at all. He's got more than half his body through death's door. What happened to him? He sees Smoker put Zoro on a gurney as two EMT's show up and one puts a resuscitator to keep him breathing while the other pushes the gurney inside of the ambulance closing the door before the lights and siren are turned on and the ambulance leaves. Sanji stands there before he sees Sabo and at least three other officers walking out with someone in handcuffs. Each one gets their own police car. The officers move Sanji out the way to let the police car through. Sabo starts talking to some of the other officers and a few forensic scientist. 

"Sanji!!" Smoker calls the cook who is still staring into space. Once in front of the man the cook still doesn't register that Smoker is talking to him. Smoker shakes Sanji's shoulder until he comes out of the daze. When Sanji's sad eye looks straight at his Smoker start talking, "Tashigi told you didn't she?" Sanji doesn't say anything but nods his head. "Zoro already left so you might want to start running to the hospital unless you want a ride. I'm sure there is an officer here doing nothing that could give you ride."

"Uhh...I'll take...a...ride." Sanji says each word quieter than the last. Smoker looks to one of the officers that were near and all they had to do was lock eyes and the un-named officer knew. Smoker starts directing Sanji to the cop car.

"Sabo and I will see you at the hospital, we need to tell everyone." Smoker says as they near the cop car.

"Luane is sleeping." Sanji says opening the back door.

"Alright. We'll try not to wake her up when we bring her." Smoker says closing the door for Sanji. Smoker feels sorry for Sanji, to see his loved one hurt and covered in blood, and so lifeless. Smoker can honestly say it doesn't get easier. Smoker watches as the drives off. He turns around to Sabo walking up to him, bulletproof vest taken off and is in his hand.

"So how was he? It looked bad?" Sabo says standing next to Smoker.

"It looked about the same but felt worse for some reason. We'll know once we talk to Law and Chopper."

"He sure know how to worry his brothers."

"And co-workers." Smoker adds, both men not looking at each other. "Are we done? So we can go tell everyone else."

"Yeah. Let's get out of here." Sabo and Smoker turn away and get into Sabo's car.

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