The Morning After

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Sanji sat up on his bed, tried to but something was on him. Sanji rubbed his eye with his hand then looked at what lay on him. He was confused, Luane never came to his bed to sleep. It wasn't her thing. He saw green hair and eyes widened on his face. He almost forgot. He and Zoro finally had sex last night. He carefully moved Zoro off of him, he froze when the marimo started to move. He mumbled something and turned around back face Sanji as he lay on his stomach. Sanji saw all of the space the marimo had on his side. He shook his head. He remembered cuddling Zoro after they finally stopped and cleaned up to sleep. 

Since Zoro forgot to bring extra clothes he gave the marimo some sweat to wear but with his muscles he wouldn't fit any of the cooks shirts so he went commando in the sweats. Sanji gave Zoro's back a kiss and stood up finding his slippers. He slipped them on as he looked at his clock. No wonder he was a little tired, he woke up the normal time he usually does. He wanted to stay in bed with the marimo but he's the type of person to get up when he's awake. He can't go back to sleep. With that in mind he decides to start on breakfast.

He took his phone off the charger and put it in his pajama pants pocket as he left the room. He made french toast with scrambled eggs and bacon. He set some aside for Zoro since he hadn't woken up after it was made. 

After he ate his breakfast he cleaned the dishes then checked the time. It was still early but he had deep cleaned the day before so he didn't need to do any cleaning. He grabbed his keys and went to the door. It's a Saturday so he'll check the mail to see if he got anything. He slipped out of his slipper and slipped into some sandals and headed out. He went down into the lobby to see a bunch of his neighbor all loitering around talking to each other. He greeted them with a smile and a "good morning." He let them be as he went to his mailbox. He looked through his mail putting the ones with either the wrong address or wrong person who doesn't live there anymore.

"Sanji dear." One of the woman calls for him. He turns to the old lady with a smile.

"What can I help with?" He asks, that's usually why they bother him. He did notice immediately that she would not meet his eye. 

"Well... I was just wondering..." she turned the others who all gave her a thumbs up in encouragement. She looked back at him with a slight blush. She gave him a strained smile. "Well, I was wondering if you were with a friend last night?" She says.

"Yeah, I guess I was..." Sanji face turns red. He forgot that Zoro was loud, noisy enough that at one point he was screaming Sanji's name. "I'm sorry! Were we too loud!" Sanji apologizes. Zoro had told him that he was loud, he thought it was fine at his apartment because Zoro didn't seem pleasant with the idea of having sex on his bed that Arin and Lili find themselves sleeping on sometimes. He should have thought more about his neighbors but at the moment last night he didn't care at all. He was happy to finally have sex with Zoro that anything else besides that was at the back of his mind. And with good reason. Zoro in bed was amazing. Not only did he looks sexy but he made sexy noise and felt amazing.

Sanji looked at the lady then at the group of ladies to see all their faces red like a tomato. How many people heard? How far did Zoro's voice travel? "It's fine Sanji." Another old, well not old but middle aged woman said. She gave him a smile but her face is still red. "We were all just shocked. You've been here for a while and not once came home with a friend?" She says. 

"Where's Luane?" Another asks.

"She's with some friends." Sanji says with a smile.

"What's your friend like?"

"My friend?" They all crowded him and gave him a nod. They wanted to know more. "He's a cop. We went to highschool together. He also has kids of his own." Sanji says then blushed while he thought about what more to say. He said 'he' to them. He looked at them to see they didn't seem to mind the information. If anything they seemed to be more invested with it.


"Well he's kind and thoughtful of others." Sanji smiles at them.

"Do you love him?"

"Does he love you?"

Sanji blushes at that. Both him and Zoro have told each other that last night in bed before they fell asleep. "Yes we do." Sanji gives the brightest smile he could. The ladies squealed at the news. 

"Good for you Sanji." One lady smiled at him.

When he finally got away from them, after having to show them pictures of him and Zoro or Luane, Arin and Lili. They were curious on what he looks like and he got the feeling they would break into the apartment to get a look at him. Sanji didn't want that to happen especially with the way he looks now. He's got hickey here and there and he doesn't have a shirt on. He looks to sexy the way he is now. He didn't want anyone to see him like that.

He walked into his room to see Zoro still sleeping. He smiled. He would have never thought he'd be this happy with Zoro but here he is. Sanji laughed as he heard Zoro's stomach growl in his sleep. He slowly woke up. Zoro looked at Sanji confused.

After breakfast Zoro found himself pinned onto the table with the cook kissing him as his hands slide around his torso. "What about the kids?"

"They're fine. Ace and Marco haven't called."

"But shouldn't we leave? I don't think Ace and Marco planned to babysit for two days."

"I think they knew. Ace told me to feel good before we left. He gave me a wink and a thumbs up." Sanji saw Zoro blush. It sounded like Ace but still. That he knew was the embarrassing part. "So? Want to?"

"Well, I'm already half naked." Zoro says. Sanji went back into the kiss. 

Could they be heard from the kitchen?

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