Chapter One

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Fifty-six years soon came to pass, and not once did Faltia return to the Blue Mountains. Yes, she would occasionally send letters back, but not necessarily as often as she should have. It seemed, while on her travels, she had become completely immeresed in the task of exploring Middle-Earth. Despite this, her thoughts would occasionally drift back to home.

That was what she had been doing one day, riding along a road to Bree. Her pony, thankfully, seemed content to carry on his way while his rider's thoughts drifted off.

Fifty-six years. She thought to herself, not helping the little sigh of amazement that slipped from her lips. Has it really been that long? Shaking her head, she couldn't believe it. To her, it felt like only days had passed since she left the Blue Mountains. Of course, the new scars she gained said other wise.

Shaking her head slightly, she sighed. She would not allow her thoughts to go further than this. She was almost in Bree, and would rather not have to face the painful memories and thoughts of those she left behind.

By the time the sun started to dip below the horizan, she had made her way to the small town. Leading her pony on foot to a stable, she got a room at an inn and went to the pub for dinner. Not having a proper meal in days had left her craving warm food and a nice ale.

Having talked to a barmaid, she soon had a meal in front of her and happily digged into it. The meat tender, and the potatos cooked perfectly had left her with a smile on her face. And the ale was a nice change from water.

"Enjoying some rest, are we?" At hearing a voice, she looked up to see a familiar face.

"Aye, that I am, old friend." Smiling, she moved her plate and mug to allow room for the old man before her. "How are you Gandalf?" The Grey Wizard smiled down at the she-dwarve, gratefully taking the seat across from her. Quickly ordering a meal of his own, he answered her question.

"I am good." He then gave her a curious look. "How are you? Missing home perhaps, hmm?" When he had answered for her, she sighed.

Wizards. She thought to herself. They always seem to know things you wished they didn't.

The first time Faltia had met Gandalf the Grey was almost two years after she had left her home. She was walking along a road, her pony having bolted a few days before, and was in a rather foul mood. To the very few travelers she had run into, it was very obvious she was not to be bothered. Despite this, a kindly old man still attempted to make conversation.

While the brown haired woman would admit she was rather rude a first, after talking to the Wizard for a little while her mood had improved. He told such wonderful stories, in turn listening intently to her own, and was rather nice company in general. The two traveled for another two days before splitting ways, leaving the she-dwarve happy to say she had made a friend of the Istari.

Throughout the years, they had run into each other again, always stopping to talk for a day or two depending on where they were headed. Out of all those she had met in the past fifty-six years, Gandalf was one of the only ones to know of Faltia's past in the mountains and of her friends and family.

"Yes." She finally answered, looking down slightly. Over the past couple of weeks, she had a case of homesickness that only rivaled that of when she had first left the Blue Mountains. "I've been wondering how the other's have been doing. Even thought of returning home and settling down." She admited.

As the feeling of homesickness grew, she once again became a wary of her age. Months after it had happened, Faltia had recieved a letter saying her mother had passed away, leaving everything in her daughters name for when she returned. She was one hundred and ninty-two, and having seen nearly all she wanted to see of Middle-Earth, she believed it was time for her journey to conclude. After all, it would be nice to see her friends again.

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