1. Our New Home

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°1. Our New Home°

"(Y/N), you got that last box?" My dad shouted from the front door, as I shut the hatch on the back of the Jeep.

"Yeah, I got it!" I shouted back, hiking the box higher so I didn't drop it.

"Awesome, bug!" He said, shutting the door behind me. My dad's always called me bug since I was a baby. I never minded it, not even now that I'm 17. The relationship with my dad was wonderful. It grew more after mom left. She wanted nothing to do with us. She left about three years ago to be with some guy named Tom she met at work. They both ran off to New Mexico or something. I haven't seen or heard from her since.

"Just go ahead and set that down on the table and we can start unpacking. Where do you wanna start? I'll let you pick."

Our new house was nice. It was right down the street from school and a few houses away from Addison Apartments. We we're going to rent an apartment there, but right at the last second, someone moved and sold their house. It was basically fate, if you ask me.

"I'll start in the kitchen." I smiled, heading into the bright white kitchen. The house was happier than our old one back in New York. It was cold and closed off, this one was open and warm.

"Alright, I'll start in the living room." Dad said, scooting around the door frame and over to the CD player he unpacked while I grabbed the last box. "Anything specific?" He asked.

I gave him a 'duh' look. And he put his hands up in defense, "Alright, alright, Queen it is." He put the CD in the tray and skipped to Bicycle Race and we got to work, but shortly after, his phone started to ring. He paused the music and went off into the other room to talk.

I put a few of the dishes away as the door bell rang. "Bug, could you get that?" He shouted as the doorbell rang again. I went over and looked through the peep hole to see a girl about my age. She had super long brown hair and had a pan in her hands.

I opened the door and was met by her striking green eyes. "Hi! I'm Ashley, I live next door. My mom saw you arrive so she made some brownies and had me send them over." She said, her voice was almost sing-song like.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N). Would you like to come in for a moment?" I asked, trying to be polite. I'd never had a neighbor introduce themselves, so I was just going off of what I'd seen in movies.

"Sure!" She said. I put my hands out for the tray and she handed them over and followed me into the kitchen. "It's so pretty in here. You guys get a lot of light."

"Yeah it's nice, nothing like our old place." I said as I pulled some stools for the bar over so she could sit, she thanked me and sat down just as dad got off the phone..

"Who was at the door?" He asked, stopping in his place, "Oh, hello sweetie."

My dad always said sweetie or honey when he didn't know someone's name.

"Dad, this is Ashely, she's our neighbor." I said. Ashley waved hello and my dad smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Ashley! I'm (Y/N)'s dad Bryan. Did your parents stop by as well?" He asked.

"Oh no, my mom just left for work, they we're gonna stop my maybe tomorrow if that was okay?"

"Saturday would be better. You guys could come over for a barbeque then. I start my job tomorrow and (Y/N) here starts school."

"Oh, awesome! (Y/N) you should totally sit with my friends and I at lunch! They're all super nice." She said. "There's Todd, who is like your typical nerd; but sure knows how to make some cool gadgets, Larry - he's a cool laid back rocker dude basically, and then there's Sal. He's a little different, but super sweet. The only thing with Sal is that he has a prosthetic face. It's basically a mask and he never takes it off."

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