Peaceful goodbye

18 5 2

The night is silent
I am wide awake
Thinking of the tears
I spilled for your sake

The laughs we shared
I cried when you lost
The ups and the downs
The rivers we crossed

We were so different
But we fit so well
Like night and day
Like heaven and hell

I believed in you
When others turned their backs
I smiled through your pain
I helped you relax

If I had walked away
Like everyone else did before
I would have been alive now
I wouldn't be crying on the floor

I can almost hear it now
Your voice in my head
Whispering, shouting, screaming
Everything that was left unsaid

You used to be my oxygen
Now I am choking
I used to feel your skin against mine
Now I feel nothing

We conquered the world together
We were the king and queen
But time and reality hit us
We thought we were evergreen

We were always different
We were never the same
It worked in the beginning
But we only had time to blame

Difference is good
But not in this case
At least we say goodbye in peace
We walk away with grace

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