epilogue 3

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"no joke he sent a private investigator to my house last night" i said into the phone

"do you think he knows about luna? is that why he sent someone to hunt you down?" veronica asked

"i have no clue, but i have to go meet him at central park in a few. i haven't even spoken to him yet, he sent the p.i. to tell me where and when i had to meet him" i say

"you don't have to go, you know that right?"

"i know but if he sent someone across the country to find me now it must be important. so i'm going to go" i respond

"alright we'll call me when you get back"

"okay bye love you" i say while hanging up

i grabbed my purse and phone and continued out of my house. i was glad we were meeting while luna was at a play date so i didn't have to find a babysitter. i took the subway to central park. when i entered the path i found the nearest bench and sat down

the private investigator said to sit near the main gates which is where i was. i looked around for the familiar face i haven't seen in 5 years

i became inpatient and started to play on my phone

i could feel eyes on me and someone walking towards the bench i was on

i looked up

"grayson" i cleared my throat

he looked almost the same as he did when he was eighteen, just with a little beard

"hi alexa" he sat down next to me

for a minute we didn't say anything. we were both looking at each other, spotting the differences

"well. you had someone find me, for what?" i cut to the chase

"i never saw you again after the day you left me the note. i needed to see if you were okay, talk to you, see how you are" he answered

"normal people don't send investigators to find their ex's to catch up"

"you changed your number, moved away, how else would i have found you?" he said

"so what. i'm doing fine, i don't see the purpose of this whatsoever. and why now? five years later"

"it's been eating at me for years" he says

i stood up off the bench

i didn't realize my phone was on my lap so it fell onto the floor in front of grayson's foot

the screen saver was a picture of luna in the hospital

i reached my hand down as quick as possible but grayson beat me to it. he picked up the phone and looked at it

"do you have a kid?" he asked and his jaw locked

i cleared my throat

"yes. listen grayson i have to go" i say grabbing my phone from his hand and beginning to walk away


"what's her name?" he asked while following me


now i have to avoid his questions

"how old is she?" he continued

"it's really none of your business. it was nice seeing you but goodbye grayson" i turn around and speed walk out of central park

it was around the time luna would be dropped off home so i quickly get to the subway and catch the next train

almost a minute after i keyed into the house luna was dropped off

i greeted her with a huge hug and kiss

"did you have fun?" i ask

"yes mommy"

she ran into the living room and started watching tv

i smiled as i watched her

ding dong!

i wondered who would be here so late as i walked over to the front door, i swung it open and instantly regretted it

"grayson you can not be here!" i got serious

he looked over my shoulder at luna in the living room. i moved my body to block him

"how old is she" he asked again

"leave" i demanded

"i'll call her over here and ask if you don't tell me"

"she's five god damnit"

he stared at me

"alexa, is that my daughter?" he asked

i shook my head "no"

"you're lying, i know when you're lying"

"you had my kid for five years and didn't tell me? so if i never sent that p.i. i wouldn't even know that there's a little girl out in the world that's mine" he finished

"you weren't supposed to ever find out" i cried

he teared up but wiped it away quickly

"i'm not going anywhere until i meet that child" he said

"i know"

"you know?" his eyebrows scrunched down

i opened the door and stepped aside

"come in and meet luna"


one moreee !

unforgettable ; grayson dolan (sequel to just a fan) Where stories live. Discover now