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"You love him," there was no question in Thranduil's voice. Aragorn had carried Arwen despondently back to their chambers, and Gimli had tactfully excused himself (though tact was not a trait that the dwarf often displayed). Legolas had lied so much and hidden the secret so deeply, but it was beginning to tear a hole in him.

"Yes," he said simply. "But he loves Arwen. And I would never hurt either one of them."

"Arwen will leave soon," Thranduil said, "He will grieve for her, and search for love. He could find it in you."

"I will not take advantage of his sadness to plant the seeds of manipulation in his vulnerable mind!" Legolas protested. Thranduil sighed.

"I know, anon, I know. But you must tell him how you feel eventually."

"Will Arwen leave, do you think?" Legolas turned the conversation away from his breaking heart. He knew that his father noticed the change of pace, but he thankfully did not comment.

"If Aragorn convinces her to," Thranduil said thoughtfully, "She is still a good person, Legolas. She just strayed down the wrong path. Now we are pulling her back."

"It has consequences, though," Legolas said.

"Every choice has consequences, some are just more easily visible than others," Thranduil leveled his eyes at Legolas, and the elf had a feeling that Ada was no longer talking about Arwen.

"I must sleep, Ada," Legolas said softly, "I cannot think about Aragorn any longer."

"Even the way you say his name conveys love," Thranduil smiled sorrowfully at his son, "Sleep, my little leaf, and think over what I have said in the morning."

Legolas kissed his father's cheek.

"I will, Ada, I will."

Legolas' return to his chambers was long and arduous. He tried to force thoughts of Aragorn from his mind, but with no other problem on hand it was becoming increasingly difficult. He changed, bathed, and slipped into bed, attempting to sleep. After a few minutes, he heard his chamber door creak open. He sat bolt upright, already reaching for his bow when he realized that it was Aragorn.

Only Aragorn. Stop the fluttering feeling in your stomach, Legolas chided himself. It did not subside, but he did his best to ignore it.

"I cannot sleep with her beside me," Aragorn softly, "I did not know where else to turn."

Legolas could nearly feel his heart ripping to shreds. He had a bond of friendship so strong with Aragorn that he could say, 'I love you,' and the king would not know he meant it in more than that way.

"Come, sleep in my chambers," he moved aside, surreptitiously brushing a tear from his eye. His heart felt heavy enough to drag him back into the bed, and it was all he could do to keep from screaming. Aragorn hesitated.

"Are you sure, mellon nin?" Aragorn asked, turning to the door, "I can leave if-"

"No!" Suddenly, that prospect seemed much worse to Legolas, more so when he saw the despair in Aragorn's eyes. Aragorn gratefully slid in between the silken sheets next to Legolas. They lay awkwardly on opposite ends of the bed until Aragorn spoke.

"Is it my fault, Legolas?" the way he breathed the elf's name made him inadvertently shudder.

"Arwen? No, Estel, how could you say so?" The reversion to Aragorn's old name had not been intended, but by the way his breathing slowed, he knew he had made a good choice.

"I should have stopped her earlier, seen something was wrong, Legolas," he promptly burst into tears. His rasping sobs echoed around the chamber as the bed shook with his gasps. Despite knowing that he'd regret it later, Legolas reached out to him and drew the crying king against his side. Aragorn curled into him, sobs still wracking his body. Legolas carded his hands through Aragorn's hair and whispered sweet nothings to him until the king fell asleep.

With a softly slumbering Aragorn in his arms, Legolas felt more at home than he ever had in his entire life.

He is here for comfort about his dying wife, Legolas thought, then hopelessly added, But he is here. He chose me.

And though the thoughts should not be swirling around Legolas' mind, he let darkness take him with his body wrapped firmly around his love.

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