Falling Into Darkness

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Aragorn's heart nearly stopped when he saw Legolas standing in the chamber. The blonde elf was caked with grime and looked weary, yes, but Aragorn had forgotten how utterly gorgeous he was. His blue eyes shone fiercely out from his sharp face, his gleaming hair pulled back from the high cheekbones in its usual style.

"Aragorn," Legolas' voice was almost a breath, but the way his name caressed the syllables was enough to send a surge of heat through Aragorn.

"Legolas," he had not bargained for his voice to go so low and rough, but from the way Legolas' eyes darkened, he did not mind.

"I'm here too, King," Gimli said, and there was a definite pout in his voice.

"Gimli," Aragorn greeted as warmly as he could without tearing his eyes from Legolas.

"Are you going to let Lady Arwen stay collapsed in your arms or will you bring her to me?" Thranduil's voice was as cold as ever, but Aragorn could see the trace of tears on his normally stone face.

Aragorn lugged her up to the Elvenking, her body growing especially heavy when he passed Legolas. Thranduil placed a hand on her forehead and recoiled, black magic following his fingertips. Legolas nimbly leapt up to the throne and touched Arwen's hand gently. His face contorted, but he did not draw away. He stayed, face twisted, in that position till Aragorn removed the elf's hand with his own. As usual, Legolas' hand was soft and smooth. Aragorn had had a crush on the elf when he was younger (he had always been aware that he like both men and women) but nothing compared to the feelings surging through him.

It has to be that I have not seen him in a long while, Aragorn thought hopelessly. I love Arwen beyond all other.

Thranduil was looking at him curiously, and he quickly released Legolas' hand.

"What is it?" Aragorn asked anxiously. "What did you see?"

"Her soul is so far gone," Legolas said quietly, "There is hardly any elf left in her at all."

Aragorn let out a curse, guilt dropping in his chest, "Can we - I - save her?"

"If so little of her is elf, it will need a miracle to save her," Thranduil said wisely.

"We don't have miracles in Middle Earth!" Aragorn said desperately. "Isn't there some magic I can do? I would sacrifice my life for hers in an instant!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, he knew it was not true. It was not that he didn't love her - but he had an entire kingdom to run. Did he truly love her then? Was this selfish clinging to life his hearts way of telling him that he had moved on? He chanced a glance at Legolas, but for some reason the elf was pointedly not looking at him. Of course he is not, Aragorn scolded himself, You are a human friend. Nothing less, nothing more.

"Not in Middle Earth, no," Thranduil said, and his voice felt like poisoned honey.

"So it is hopeless," Aragorn could feel a single tear trace its way down his cheek. "She will become evil, and we will have to..."

He could not say it.

"There is a boat leaving for the Undying Lands in three days," Thranduil's eyes closed, as if he were betraying a great secret, "It will carry with it Gandalf the Grey, Elrond, Galadriel, Bilbo Baggins, and Frodo Baggins."

"Frodo?" Aragorn asked, aghast, "But he did not say-"

"Some wounds do not heal easily, Aragorn," Legolas said, his voice still soft. "He has made his choice - what is best for him."

"Are you saying the Arwen should go with him?" Gimli steered the conversation back.

"Is that possible?" Aragorn asked. "She gave me the Evenstar, is there a chance I can return it?"

Thranduil let out a laugh that had no humor in it, "Oh, king, she could take it easily. She could leave on this boat easily. She stays because of you."

The words sounded eerily familiar.

"She does not love me anymore," Aragorn said, his words remorseful.

"Then why was she searching for a way to make herself immortal in Middle Earth?" Thranduil asked.

"She did not even think of the possibility-" Aragorn began, but Legolas cut in, his voice like steel.

"Aragorn, she was not only searching for a way to make herself immortal. She was searching for a way to make you live forever, too."

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