What its like to be me

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In my shoes
just to see
What its like
To be me

song for this book:

By Eminem

Check it out on youtube :)

Chapter 3

Envy's POV


I slammed the door to the girls bathroom. "Get out here, Envy! Stop running away!" Suzan yelled from behind the door. I could hear the other girls laughing. "Stop! leave me alone!" I managed to say before I started crying again. "Is she crying?" I heard one of them say. The voice sounded like lavender's. "Um. maybe we should go now, I don't think shes coming out." A familiar voice said, but I didn't take the time to notice who it was. "Oh, Shut up, Hermione! I'll leave when I want to." Said Pansy Parkinson.

Yes! Leave! Leave me alone!
I wanted to scream at them, but I refrained from doing so. "Don't think this changes anything, Envy!" Pansy yelled. "C'mon, lets go." I heard them walk away, but I didn't leave the cubical. Instead, a leaned against the door and let myself slide to the floor. Tears streamed down my face, and fell on my hands. "Envy?" Said a quiet voice. It was a boy's voice. "Envy, its me, Fred." Almost immediately after he said his name, I opened the door, and threw myself into his arms. "What happened?" He whispered.
"They pushed me in here, I locked the door. They were yelling and laughing-" "Who?" Fred said sharply. I paused for a second. "I know Lavender, Cho and Pansy were there, but I'm not sure who else there was..." I wiped my eyes, which were clouded with tears. I suddenly remember what one of the girls said.

Oh, shut up, Hermione! I'll leave when I want to....

"And Hermione was there. But she didn't do much...." I felt more tears run down my cheeks. Fred wiped them away with the back of his hand. I suddenly remembered where we were.
"You do realise your in the girls bathroom, right?" I said to him. "Yes," He smiled. "And I'm almost certain I don't care." I felt an unfamiliar warmth rise in my stomach. I had never ever known what it felt like to have someone care about me. Not even my parents. This must be it. "C'mon, Envy. I'll bring you back to your room, if you like." He offered. I nodded, and slowly pulled myself out of his embrace.

Finally I have someone who cares about me. I thought. Finally I wont be alone


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was short, but I didn't know what else to add to it. I promise I'll make the next one a bit longer. (And I'll try to add Tyla and Enna into it a bit more)

Comment any suggestions or opinions. =^•.•^= @.~ ~(•.•)~ \(•.~)/ >.^

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