Different friends

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Chapter 21

Enna's POV


Jarred and I sat against a tree. We had been spending a lot of time together lately, and we had grown pretty close. I liked him. Not like a boyfriend, but like a friend.
Uh oh. Here come Tyla and Envy.
They didn't look happy.
Jarred took one look at their faces and said "do you want me to stay?" I shook my head and he got up quietly and left.
"Hi Envy, hi Tyla" I said "whats up"
"Oh nothing much" replied Envy "Just wanting to know why your spending so much time with Jarred and not us." she said with a hint of accusation in her voice.


Envys POV


Five minutes after me and Tyla found Enna,an argument had begun. I couldn't believe she would ditch us! For two whole days she hadn't done anything with us outside our tent! "You probably enjoy spending time with Jarred more than with us!" I yelled at Enna "I like you both, okay!" Enna
yelled back "guys!" tyla cut in "Its obvious Enna has a crush on Jarred"
"Excuse me? I do not have a crush on him! We're friends! And I've seen the way Envy looks at Vincent!" Enna yelled angrily. My mouth dropped. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" I yelled. I felt like I was going to burst into tears. All this was so much like when I was in Hogwarts. Enna was acting so much like those b*tches.


Tylas POV


Enna had been my Best Friend forever this was the first time we had actually fought and in my opinion she was ditching us for Jarred "do you have PMS?" I asked angrily Envy laughed quietly in the backround "were you diagnosed with b*tch when you were born?" Enna shot back, we both gasped Enna continued " maybe you're right maybe I do like spending time with Jarred more than you!" she yelled and stalked back into the forest.
Me and Envy disaperated back into our tent.

Ennas POV


I stalked back into the forest with the loud crack echoing behind me that confirmed that Envy and Tyla had disaperated away. I felt burning anger towards them how could they be so b*tchy? I saw Jarred as I walked off. "You okay?" He asked. I ignored him. I didn't feel like talking. "Enna?" He started following me. "What happened?" He put his hand on my shoulder. I turned around and buried my face in his chest. He hugged me back, and after what seemed like years, but in reality was seconds, I broke the embrace and disaperated back to my tent without a word to Jarred.


Jarred's POV


I watched Enna disaperate, and I wondered what had happened between them. I wish I could have done something, but I didn't even know what was going on. I sighed. The Dark Lord had planned to attack Hogwarts. Tomorrow. I needed to get back.


Hey guys! How'd you like this chapter?
The next chapter is going to start the battle of Hogwarts! >.< This book is nearly finished!! Probably only five chapters (at least) left!!

Comment any suggestions or opinions. =^•.•^= @.~ ~(•.•)~ \(•.~)/ >.^

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