Revenge is sweet

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Chapter 24

Envy's POV


I sprinted up the stairs in Hogwarts, apparently not noticed by anyone. When I was finally high up the stairs, shattered glass everywhere, giving me a Clear reflection of myself. I looked horrible. Black mascara and eyeliner smudges all down my face, blood covering one side of my face, my golden blonde hair tangled and sticking out in all different directions, and a wild, psychotic grin plastered on my face. "Fred-dy." I sang softly, my voice echoing slightly. I knew he was here somewhere, I saw him standing century on one of the higher balconies. I could feel tension in the air, and I knew he heard me. "Fred-dy. I know your he-re!" I sang in a soft sweet voice. I heard a shuffling noise. I think I'm loosing my mind... I step lightly on my toes like a little girl. My dark green and blue striped skinny jeans are ripped, my black long sleeved mid-drift is torn, and my light blue converse are wrecked. I see his shadow across the wall, and as silently as I can I walk to where I saw his shadow move.

I wont kill him.

I thought.

I'll make him know how I felt.

I smile to myself. Crusiatus curse. He'll feel the way I felt for sure. He Leaning on the railing, looking over at the. battle. He pretended not to notice me. "Hello Freddy." I said quietly. He looked up abruptly. He forced a smile. "Envy! long time no see." He flicked his hair. Justin Bieber much. "Yes. Your joke shop, right? How could I forget." I changed my girly smile to a pout. "You don't know how it felt, do you?" I said pouting. He looked at me puzzled. "How it felt to be tossed out into the cold. Maybe this will help you understand." I raise my wand at him, and realisation hits his face. "Cruiso!" I scream. "Crusio Crusio Crusio!" He falls to the ground, writhing, screaming, and kicking. "This is exactly how I felt, Freddy." I say, just loud enough for him to hear. I walk away, my wand still pointed at him and my concentration not wavering. I peer around the corner at him. "Goodbye, Freddy." I say, then whip my wand up, breaking the spell. He lay in a crumpled heap, panting and sweating.

He'll live.

I think.

I obviously did.

I stood for a minute, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath as my sanity returned. I run down the stairs again, ready to join Enna and Tyla. I feel satisfied that Fred has finally learned how much he hurt me. I sprint into the action, spells being thrown everywhere. My own spells mix with the others, and I reach for an arrow, but realise I must have dropped both my quiver and my bow in the bridge wreckage.


My bow is my strong spot, and without it I can only use regular spells. I point my wand at a random. "Stupify!" He falls backwards.
The battle goes on like this until something happens in a scuffle with Enna, Tyla, and Cedric...

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