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Chapter 10

Enna's POV


Envy walked into the car, and sat in the corner. "Hi Envy." Tyla said. Envy grunted. Tyla looked confused, then just shrugged. "Envy, are you alright?" I asked her. "I'm fine!" She said. But by the tone of her voice I could tell she was not fine. "You sure? because you can...." Envy cut me off before I could finish. "I said I'm fine, Enna!" She snapped. I felt taken aback, but I didn't show it. "Okay." I said. I wondered what had happened.


Envy's POV


I walked off the train, with Enna and Tyla following behind me. I ran into our dormitory, and threw my bags onto my bed. I grabbed my Bow and quiver of arrows. I was about to leave, when I noticed and owl sitting on the window with a letter in its claws with my name written on it. I snatched it from the owl and tore it open furiously.


I know your upset, and need a little time to forgive me, but I just wan't you to know I'm notting breaking up with you, if thats why your so angry. I know that your a loner at school, and need somebody to hide behind when things get to hard for you to handle, and your parents abuse you, and your brother is a total f*ckwit, so I went out with you cause I felt sorry for you. just remember, I'm here for you, so when Enna and Tyla ditch you like everbody else did, you can crawl back to. I'm here for you.

My hands shook in rage as I finished the last part.
I'm gonna kill him.
I thought.
I'm gonna kill him. I swear.
I ripped the letter up, and threw it in the fire. I slipped downstair and outside. I ran into the Dark Forest crying. I didn't stop running. I ran until the moon was well above the horizon. Finally I was to well tired to go on anymore, and my head was spinning from running so long. I sat down on a fallen tree, and cried again. I didn't know how far I had ran, at least two hours. I wanted to forget Fred had ever asked me out. He ruined my life even more then it already was. What else could go wrong?! First my older brother left me alone with my hatred parents, I get bullied at school, and the only boyfriend I have ever had cheats on me! The only thing left I have to hang onto is Enna and Tyla. And if they leave me, there is nothing worth living for.... Nothing... Nothing... Nothing...


Tyla's POV


I walked with Enna, Harry, and Cedric who had come to visit Hogwarts. We were talking, when I suddenly remembered Envy. "Wait... wheres Envy?" I asked. We all looked at each other. "Well... She seemed a bit... Angry on the train, but she wouldn't tell us what was wrong..." Enna said. Me and Enna looked at each other. "We have to go find her." I said. "Just us. You guys stay here." Cedric and Harry opened their mouths to protest. "No. We have to help our friend. If Vol.... You-know-who really has taken over the Ministry, its not safe." I told them. "Goodbye." me and Enna ran off.
"The Dark Forest." I said. "Thats where she'll be." Enna nodded, and we both ran.
We reached our clearing, but envy wasn't there. "Where is she?" I panted. "Look, lets just aperate to her. Make things easier, don't it?" She said. I nodded. We grabbed hands. I let Enna take the lead. We appeared in a thick cluster of trees, as far as the eye could see. Envy was on a fallen tree, sitting up rigged, and staring at something in the distance. "Turn around!" She whisper-screamed. I stopped frozen, and struggled to turn my head. My breath caught in my throat. There standing in the crest of the hill, were five death-eaters-or Snatchers. It was to dark to tell. I struggled to breath. I stumbled backwards, and grabbed Enna's arm. I ran to where Envy was, and grabbed her arm as well. "Go, run!" I whispered, pushing them forwards. All three of us ran forwards. I wish I knew what direction the edge of the forest was, it was hard to tell in the dark. I looked behind me, and instantly regretted it. I tripped on A tree root, and fell on the ground. Enna and Envy were hit with a spell, that threw them to the ground as well. The five death-eaters were now five feet in front of me, Envy and Enna. One of them stopped walking, but the other four grabbed our arms. I kicked at them, which did nothing. They bound us together with ropes. "What have we here?" One of them sneered. "What are three young girls like you, doing in the Dark Forest so late at night?" I tried to speak, but nothing came out. Enna had better luck. "We're... it's..." She gulped. Then Envy piped in. "Well, What are you doing here?" She asked. All five laughed, which apparently embarrassed Envy. She scowled. I followed her gaze, which led to the tallest of all five. the half moon gave some light, which made it somewhat easier to try and see. I realised who it was.
Fenrir Greyback. I shuddered. A Werewolf. I was grateful it was only half moon. I noticed he was staring back at her, as if he knew who she was. "What do you say, Scabior? If 'ere mudbloods-" "Quiet!" Scabior snapped. He bent down on one knee, so he was face to face with Envy. "Hello, beautiful. Whats your name, my lovely?" He asked her. Envy looked down, and bit her lip. and again the snatchers laughed. "Lets try this again. Whats your name?" She stayed silent. "Don't make this hard." It was obvious in his voice he was becoming angry. Envy looked up at him and bared her teeth. It was strange, maybe it was just the moonlight glinting off her teeth, but it looked as though her two canine teeth were fangs. "Are we going to have to do this the hard way?" He bared his teeth, and took out his wand. Envy pulled her knees to her chest, and looked up fearfully. Scabior stood up, grinning. He pointed his wand at her. "Cru-" "Envy Walters...!" She stuttered. "See now? That wasn't that hard." He smirked. "And you, my lovely?" He gestured to me. I gulped. "Tyla Grant." I realised what would happen if I refused. "Taylor Grant." He repeated. "Tyla Grant, you retard! Get it right!" I hissed. The snatchers laughed. "Well, Taylor, I'll do my best to remember." He was really pissing me off. "And you, who might you be?" He smirked at Enna. I saw her shudder. "Make me." She hissed, then spat in his face. He stood up. One of the snatchers smirked at Enna. "Feisty one, aren't you?" It was Jarred, Dracos older brother. (A/N Jarred is an OC). Enna Scowled. "You saw what will happen, now whats your name?" Scabior crossed his arms. "Enna Grace." She gave in. "Whats your status?" Enna bit her lip. "Pure blood." "And you?" He waved his hand at me. "Half blood. Both of us are." I glanced at Envy."You go to Hogwarts? What house?" He asked. "Ravenclaw." We all said in unison. "Pure blood, and two half bloods? we might as well bring 'em back." Scabior said. "No! Please....I'm not going back..." Envy struggled in her ropes. "I'm not ever going back! I want to be a Death-eater."

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