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Chapter 4

Fred's POV


I sat under the tree with George during our free period. I kept thinking of Envy, and what she was doing for her free period. "Fred?" George pulled me from my thoughts. "What did you say?" I asked. "I said why you asked Envy out?" "Well, I just thought she needed someone, and I mean she doesn't have any friends, and look wise shes not bad." I said. George nodded slightly. "She is pretty cute." He agreed. "But shes still weirdo. And isn't she emo?" I just scowled at him. "Shes like the complete opposite!" Yes, she was pretty weird, but I liked her. I saw Luna walking by with a few of her friends. "Hi Fred." She said in her sweet high pitched voice. "Hey, Luna." I replied, smiling at her. She giggled slightly, then looked away. She walked up to us. "Don't you have class now?" George asked. "Um.. well, yes..." "Are you wagging?" I laughed. She Blushed, and looked away. Man, shes cute when shes embarrassed.
Wait..?! What am I thinking?! I like Envy, not Luna!
"Well, I'm gonna go now, but I'll see you later?" She smiled, Still blushing slightly. "Sure." Me and George said in unison. "Okay then!" She smiled, then skipped off. "Shes hot." George said simply. "Why didn't you ask her out instead?" He added, a bit flatly. I punched him in the arm.


Luna's POV


I skipped away from Fred and George to catch up with Penelope and Ginny. I kind of liked Fred, I had to admit. He's so funny. And last time I heard, he was single. I just hoped he still was, I think he was. "Why are you so happy?" Inquired Penelope, raising eyebrow. I shrugged. "Dunno. I just suddenly felt happy." I smiled. "I suppose Nargels are behind it, then?" Ginny joked. I shake my head at her, and push her slightly.


Envy's POV


I lay on my bed, twirling my blonde hair around my finger. I sighed. Tyla and Enna glanced over at me. "Stop sighing, I'm trying to read!" Enna said, slightly laughing. "I'm bored." I groan.
"Then... do something! We're reading right now, but We'll catch up with you later?" Tyla said. I sighed again. "I'm gonna go find Fred." I sit up, and pull on my converse. "Ugh!" I Pulled my finger up, which was dripping with blood. "What?" Enna asked, looking up from her book. I look down at my converse again. The shoe lace tip was dripping with my blood, and the corner was curled in a sharp point, and made if metal... "Nothing. Cut myself." How it had gotten curled like that and turned into metal, I didn't know. But I couldn't care less. I pull my other one on, and Run out the door, and down the stairs. But when I reached the bottom, I stopped. Where would Fred be? I actually had no idea. "Ugggghhhhhh!" I groan. How I'm I going to find Fred, when I don't even know where he would be?! "Whoa, Envy. are you alright?" it sounded like Fred's voice. I turn around to see him and George walking down the stairs. I felt like an idiot. "Uh, fine." I say. To my annoyance, the both laugh. "What?!" Snap. "Nothing, nothing. Sorry." Fred says, still laughing. Still annoyed, Glare at him, which makes him stop laughing. "Sorry..." He muttered again. I look at George, willing him to go away. "I'm just gonna..." He looks around, Then points to the right, and runs off. "I was looking for you." I say, with my eyes cast down. Fred cocked his head to the side. "Really?" He sounded surprised. "Thats what I said." In a dumb voice. He smiled. "Come with me?" He asked, reaching out his left hand. I nodded, grabbing it.


We walked to the edge of the dark forest. "Ever been in there?" He asked. I shook my head. "Uhhhh yeah. I always go here. Everyone knows that." I reminded him, raising an eyebrow. He smirked. "I know." He said. He grabbed my hand, and pulled me along with him as we walked into the forest. I was shocked. Why were we going here?
When we reached a particularly large fallen tree, Fred sat down. I did the same. "Why did we come here?" I wondered. Fred said nothing, but put his hand on my cheek. I didn't move away, but I was wondering why. Then he did something that shocked me even more then when he hugged me. He pressed his lips to mine, and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I felt so dizzy with shock that I couldn't push him away, or stop him. I tried to push him away, but I was frozen. It felt so strange, having someone kiss. I didn't like that he did that. Never before-not even my parents-had I ever been kissed. I was revolted. I didn't kiss back. I was confused. I didn't know why, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move away. I didn't remember anything else after that......


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