Finally not useless

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Chapter 15

Jarred's POV


"Are you serious?" I said in disbelief. Of all things, a snatcher. I scowled. "Snatchers are one of the lowest ranks. You might even be able to reach the honour of being branded with the dark mark, and you choose to be a snatcher?" I still couldn't believe what she was saying. I placed my hand on my own dark mark. Envy crossed her arms. "Yep. Snatcher. I like to attack people. Especially when you beat them up." she smirked. Whoa. This chic is weird. I sighed, and held the bridge of my nose. "I hate to admit it, but you are actually a powerful witch. I guess it would be okay for you to be a snatcher, at least you wouldn't be wasting your talent." I admitted. She smiled in triumph. "And what about you two?" I looked specifically at Enna. I didn't wanted her to choose something good. I didn't want her especially to waste her talent. Maybe it was because she was powerful and talented, or maybe it was because of her beauty, that I cared for her more then the other two. "I want to be spy." Tyla piped in. "Well, that seems like a reasonable thing for you. Good choice." I told her. Envy suddenly looked . "Hang on... Your the one accusing me and making fun of my choice to be a snatcher.... When you were one of the snatchers in the group Scabior lead when we were caught in the woods!" Envy pointed an accusing finger at me.
I thought. "Well... You know... I do every one and a while for the gold.... But...." I shrugged, caught on words. Envy threw her head back and laughed. I scowled, and shook my head. "So, Enna. What are you choosing?" I changed the subject. "A spy. Like Tyla. I'm good at that sort of thing." She answered, without hesitation. I nodded. She seemed like she would be good at it.


Envy's POV


Scabior smirked at me. "Really? You?No. Your a little girl." He laughed, along with the other snatchers. Except Greyback. He wasn't the laughing type.
I screamed in my head.
I have a f*cking six-pack compared to you, you fat bastard!
I stepped forward, and barred my teeth. "I'm stronger then I look." I hissed, standing on my tip-toes to attempt to be as tall as him, but failed miserably. "Oh really?" He grinned.

•~*~•third person POV•~*~•

Envy was on the ground, doing push ups, While Scabior stood talking with the other snatchers. "I'm getting bored!" She called. Scabior glanced at her. "One arm." He called over his shoulder. Envy rolled her eyes, and took her left hand off the ground. The snatchers stopped talking, and watched Envy. Some looked amused, and others like Greyback looked surprised. "You done now?" Envy scowled. They all laughed. "Get up" he said. Envy stood up, and brushed off her leather jacket. "You may be able to do push ups, but thats not enough. What about spells?" Envy nodded. "I'm pretty good. I mean, Jarred said I was." Envy shrugged. "Can you fight hand-to-hand?" Scabior asked. Envy jumped at him, and pinned Vincent to the ground. Vincent turned over, to pin her and raised his fist, smirking. "You wouldn't hit a girl!" Envy spat. Vincent hesitated, and lowered his fist. As soon as he did so, Envy struck his nose. The snatchers laughed, and Vincent stood up shaking his head with his hand to his nose, now bleeding. To Envy's surprise, he was laughing as well. "Your strong, I'll give you that. You can stay. For now." Scabior grinned. Envy rolled her eyes.


Envy's POV


I sat in the trees, my bow loaded with an arrow. I waited until the suspected mud-blood was running from the others, until I practically flew through the trees. When I was directly above him, I shot the arrow at him. I didn't pierce his skin, but hit his hood and pinned him to the tree. I jumped down, and stalked up behind him. I saw out of the corner of my eye that the others realised the chase was over, and the all stalked slowly up to us. "Hello." I put my mouth right up next to his ear. "Whats your name?" I whispered. "Well who the hell are you?!" He grumbled, his voice muffled in the tree. I laughed. "Does it matter? You were just beat by a girl." I mocked him. I felt him stiffen. I heard the others walking up to the tree. "Who are you?" Scabior stopped infront of me and the mud-blood. "Cedric Diggory." The man answered. I rolled my eyes. "I went to Hogwarts with him. He was my best friends boyfriend." I said simply. "Well then. Greyback, pull him off the tree." Jarred told Greyback. "Oh, that wont work. The arrows enchanted, only I can pull it off. Do you really think this dude would still be on the tree if he could easily pull it out?" I raised my eye brow while tugging at the arrow. "Don't you think I tried?" The man said. Vincent grinned at me, and for some smiled back. Ew what the hell is wrong with me?! I looked away quickly, realised how stupid and friggin girly that was. One of the snatchers held his arms behind his back. "Whats your name?" Jarred asked the man. "Dave Jones. Half-blood." The man gave in. I giggled at that name. Scabior scowled at me. "Whats so funny?" He said. I giggled. "Davie Jones." Scabior looked at me as if that name mean't absolutely nothing to him. "Pirates of the.... Ugh never mind." Vincent smirked at me. "Check it." Vincent through the list to one of the snatchers. "He's on 'ere, Vincent. He's not lyin'." The snatcher tossed the list back. "Now you say your a half-blood, but my list says your lyin'." Scabior crossed his arms. "Looks like were takin' this one back."

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