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Chapter 12

Envy's POV


Enna, Tyla and I sat around the fireplace in our tent. For now, our tent was our home, which we set up in the dark forest where the snatchers caught us. "Have you ever wanted a sister, or a brother?" Tyla asked. "Well... I have a brother... But I havn't seen him in two years." I remember my brother, who is twenty-two years older then me. "Oh. You must miss him allot." Enna said. "No, I don't. I hate him, and I'm glad He's gone." I say. And it was true. "Whoa. Thats heavy. Who was he? whats his name?" Tyla asked. "You don't need to know." I tell them.


Third person POV.


"Envy, go to bed!" Four-year-old Envy's mother yelled. Envy looked up at her. "Can you put me into bed?" she asked with her hands behind her back. "Put you to bed?!" Envy's mother screamed. "You selfish little b*tch! I'll put you to bed!" She grabbed her by the hair, and pulled her up stairs. Envy screamed, and kicked as her mother wrenched her hair. She opened the door to Envy's room, and threw her on the bed. Envy sobbed as her head banged against the headboard. "Happy now?! I've out you to bed!" She slapped her across the face, and slammed the door, and stomped downstairs. "Envy?" A voice said. Little Envy looked up from where she was curled in her bed, tears streaming down her face. On the window sat her twenty-six year old brother. She called his name, and He jumped down, and walked to her. "Envy, Don't cry." He cradled her in his arms. "Why can't you take me away from here? Why can't I come with you?" Envy cried into his chest. "Shes so mean! She hurts me, and daddy doesn't care!" "I told you I can't bring you. Your to young." He told her. Envy nodded. "Cross your heart you wont leave me alone?" Envy sniffed. Her brother laughed. "Promise."

•~*~•eight years later•~*~•

Twelve-year-old Envy came home after her first year of Hogwarts. "Ugh. I forgot you were coming home." Her mom said. "Go straight to bed, theres not enough dinner for you." Her dad said. "Okay, but I couldn't wait to tell you! I'm in Raven-" "We don't f*cking care! Go to bed!" Her dad yelled. Envy nodded, and ran teary-eyed upstairs. She was happy to see when Her thirty-four year old brother sitting on her bed. She wiped her eyes and ran to hug him. "I missed you over the school year." he said. Envy nodded. "I missed you to." "But weren't you mean't to be going last year?" He asked. Envy shook her head. "Because my birthday is at the end of the year." She said. Her birthday was December twenty-seventh. "Thats right." "Am I old enough to go with you now? I can't stand being here any longer! I can't!" She started crying again. "I promise you I will take you in your last year. I wont ever leave alone, I promise I will come every single night in the holidays. Except full moon."

•~*~•four years later•~*~•

Sixteen year old Envy sat on her bed, Reading The Hunger Games. I heard my window slowly open, and someone sneaking up behind me. I turn around and hug my brother. "I missed you. Please please let me come with you. Please." She begged. "I promise you I will come back tomorrow. I'll bring you back with me then." He told her. Envy sparked up. "Really?" She asked. He nodded, then jumped back out the window.

•~*~•next night•~*~•

Envy sat looking out her window, waiting for her brother. Her parents weren't home. She finally saw him. He jumped through the window. "Your here. I'm ready." She said eagerly. She didn't have anything she was bringing with her, except a silver chain bracelet her brother gave her, her iPod, and her wand. "Why should I bring you? Give me a reason." He said. Envy choked on shock. "But... last night!" She said. "Thats not a very good reason." He told her. She suddenly felt angry. "No. No, you said last night!" She yelled. "Your not coming with me. You never will. Your going to have to wait until you've moved out, then you can come to me. I'm not bringing you." He told her calmly. "NO! Get out! Go!" She screamed, and practically pushed him out the window. He jumped out, and ran off. "DON'T COME BACK!" she screamed after him.

•~*~•Present time•~*~•

I tangled my hand into my hair, and tugged at it, and laid on my bed to sleep.

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