chapter 4

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2d shoved the front door open and stomped out. He wanted to kiss that dirty bloke. But why? Why would 2d ever wanna do that? After all that happened? He quickly shook the thought. It bothered him.

A lot.

He walked along the sidewalk. Not knowing where to go. Trash littered the sides of the street, cups, wrappers ect. The blue boy quickly noticed the cold air stung his nose. But he kept walking. Farther and farther from home. His feet sped up, he didnt wanna be by Murdoc.. But he really did. He wasn't gonna stop walking anytime soon.

Murdoc watched the boy storm out about 2 hours ago. He didn't bother to ask where he was going and frankly he didn't care. 2d has been acting weird around Murdoc but Murdoc thinks he knows why.

Hopes he knows why.

*time skip*

Its 2pm where the fuck is that delusional blue haired twat? Noodle has been asking all day and all Murdoc could say was at the fucking store! "MUDS!!" the girl screamed. "WHERE IS TOOCHIE?? HE IS NOT AT THE STORE! WHO TAKES THIS LONNNNGGGG?" she ran up to murdoc and stomped around a bit before sitting down on the couch, arms crossed and pouting.

"Ill call faceache..." Murdoc was getting worried. Where could he be?

2d was sitting down at a park. High and drunk off his ass. The park was south of their house and about 2 hours away. The boy was giggling at nothing, watching clouds pass and occasionally checking the time. Then his phone rang.

"2D where the FUCK have you BEEN?" Murdoc was furious, mostly cause noodle wouldn't shut up about it.
"Don't worry so much mudzy~ I'm fiiiinnnneee... Pick me up please I'm cold I wanna cuddddlleeeee.." To be honest, 2d didn't even realize he said that. "Your fucking gay 2d. Where are you? Noodle is worried sick."

"Oh no not nooooodle... Can I hug her? I'm sorry noodle!" The boy was acting childish and murdoc was getting impatient. It was 4pm and getting dark. "2d. Where. The. Fuck. Are. You." His voice deepened, this scared 2d but also turned him on.

"I'm soooorrrry mudzy~ I'm at the park across town-" as soon as 2d said that the line went dead. 2d Quickly fell asleep. Murdoc shook him open. All 2d could make out was Mudz's face and the dark sky, "one more minute..." As soon as this slipped out of 2d's mouth he got slapped.

"Ouch! Murdoc!!!!" The blue boy cried out in pain. A sharp hand gripped his arm and he was soon dragged into the old musty car. They were on their way home and 2d lazily lay his greasy head on murdoc's shoulder. Murdoc glanced over to him and huffed. God he was adorable. Why did he think like this?

They got home and the pickle picked 2d up and brang him upstairs. He pushed 2d's door open and there lay Noodle on the boy's bed. Russ was out of town so he couldn't put him in his room... Fine.

He sat 2d down on his bed and hobbled downstairs and drank till he felt numb. He heard a crash from upstairs and he shot up from the couch and ran upstairs. There lay a half drunk 2d stumbling trying to get up.

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