Chapter 19

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Oh I see..

"Come Forth Guardian of The Heavens!"I recite from moments before. The ink starts to shine and melt into white, now my whole pages were shining, and then emerged a little head.




"REVEL?! WHY ON EARTH IT'S YOU?!" I shout and he fully emerges from the book, with the ink still there as the lights dims.

"Why you ask?I'm here to help you and guide you to becoming the next God, duh!" He says shrugging his shoulders.

"Pah-lease like I can become God and anyways just help us get back to the capital."I shout at him.

"Well, if I wasn't here you can't get back at all!" He shouts back.

"Well, do your thing then!"I yell.He puffs out his cheek and flies over to my grimoire, he waves his tiny hand to a spell I almost never use.

"Here use this!" He says to me pointing at it.

"If I could use it now, I wouldn't be calling you for help, I don't know the co-ordinates of our where bouts or the capital!" I shout at him.He sighs and flies over to me, he takes off his halo and taps my head with it.

Huh? I somehow know the co-ordinates now...

He places his halo back on top of his head and shouts.

"I've given you information now go!" He screams waving his arms and legs around.

"Okay! Okay! Jeez! Everyone please get behind me!" I yell, everyone looks at me in confusion after me and Revel's bickering.They hurriedly get behind me.

"Wait, but this is going to consume alot of mana though." I complain to Revel.

"UURRRGGGHHH Just shut up and use the spell and so we can get there quicker!" He yells.

"Okay, okay, jeez. Heavenly Sky Magic: Ark of Noah!"The clouds above the mountains suddenly comes down towards me and stops blowing gusts of winds, it starts to shape itself into a large boat as more clouds start to come over and merge, it finishes an there stood a ship of 3 masts made of clouds.

"Okay! Everyone get on!" I shout as a stair case of clouds start to shape down to us.

"(Y/n), is this okay? How will we get to Capital?"Mimosa asks.

"Form the looks of it, you consumed a lot of magic to make it." Klaus states walking up to it.

"Yea, in the bible, Noah built an ark to carry all the types of animals of the world when a flood came to cleanse the world, and with co-ordinates in my head we can travel back to the capital in 10 minutes." I answer their questions.

"Then what are we waiting for? The enemies are still there." Nozel states as the other start to get on board. Revel smiles and sits on top of my head.

"Can I get a kiss now?" He asks smugly as the last person gets on besides myself.

"Ha! You wish!" I smirk walking up the stairs, the stairs disappear behind me as I walk I get up to the top and the ship starts to move.

??? PoV

Not bad for a peasant.


(Y/n)'s PoV

"Whoo hooo! I see the capital, pretty bad shape." I mutter the last part. We hover over the spot where there was a massive concentration of magic.

"I'm about to cut the spell, prepare to land!" I shout, they all nod as I make the ark dissolve in a mist of fog.I land on the roof before I feel my foot slip.\

Why me?!

I flips my grimoire as I start to fall.

Dammit there's no spell to save me right now!

I close my eyes shut and prepare to die, I felt the impact but...

I'm still alive?!No way, this is heaven isn't it?

I open my eyes to meet purples orbs staring back at me.


"Did you just catch me?!" I shriek in surprise. Nozel was on the ground lifting me bridal style.

"What an unpleasant sound from a woman that has just been saved." He mutters as he puts me down.

"Ah well excuse me." I shake my head.I look to side in embarrassment.

"Thanks anyway." I mutter.

I could've sworn he smiled. WHAT DA HELL IS WRONG WITH HIM?!

I was still in a foul mood when Revel comes flying into my face, I use my hand and he hugs it with tears flying everywhere.

"Whhhhhaaaaa! I thought you died! God would've killed me!!" He cries.

No way. He's actually kind of cute.

 We regroup with the others and when I mean we regrouped I meant they found us. We hurried over to where Asta and Noelle were. Nozel flips his grimoire open and mercury surrounds Asta and Leopold.I look to the side and spot the Captain.

N-no way.

I start to fell my feet running.

"Captain!" I shout as I near him.Mimosa follows seeing as I need her help.

"How dare you send us all the way out there!" Alecdora shouts.

"Impossible! You covered that distance this quickly?!"

"We really didn't want to, but we listened to a (h/c) haired brat and used her magic to get back quickly. I suppose you can give her some credit."Alecdora explains.

"Men really are useless."Sol comments.

"Women knows best." Charlotte adds.

"I hope I never have to listen to her again." Whines Solid.

"We don't really like to obey the little cub." Nebra coughs.

"However, our nine Magic Knight's Squads exist to protect the peace of the One Clover Kingdom!" Nozel declares.

I hear raindrops of mercury fall from the sky as tears start to drip down my cheeks.

"Captain, captain! You can't die! Heavenly Sky Magic: Garden of Eden." Thick thorny vines start to emerge from the ground around us and white roses start to bloom from them, the white roses start to give off a chemical that can improve someone's physical body, Mimosa kneels down and starts to heal him too. I look behind me to see a big gel creature take Asta, I immediately stand up and start to run in that direction.

"A-asta!" I shout as I reach for him.

I'm so close.

An arm pulls me back by my left and tight grip pulls around my other right arm.In a blink, the enemy disappears in a black puddle.

"And you could've disappeared with them." Nozel's breath trickles down my neck as his voice rings my ears.I bite my lip in attempt to stop the tears from flowing down, before I knew it the hiccups has got me and I feel my legs tremble and starting to those energy.

"I'd rather them take me than my family. I'd rather them hurt me, then the ones I care about.I'd rather die then have them taken, I'd take the pain to stop seeing them cry. I would...."

"You would do everything for them."

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