Chapter 43

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I make a sharp turn as I yell diving at Asta and falling onto the ground to dodge the surprise attack, I wrap around Asta and I some of my magic as I feel the impact hit all of us.

The attack flashes over and I wince as I sit up from Asta.

"H-hey! are you okay?!" He asks as he touches the side of my arm.

"Ouch!"I recoil back in a small growl, Asta looks at me worriedly.

"Man, oh man.That was some crazy magic. It took me a while to absorb it. Thanks for the feast. I really did think I was going to die back there!" Ladros snickers as he emerges from the clearing.

"Ladros! You magic power was gone though!" Zell exclaims in disbelief.

"I radiated it all and then took it back in. You're real good at magic detection, teach." Ladros narrows his eyes to me.

"But I guess that little girl is better.. Wow though." He breaths as he looks over behind me, I glance behind me. Mars has taken more of a blow than me, crystal shards lie on the ground around him and Fana.

"Why does every blasted one of you put your lives on the line to protect others, huh?" Ladros snickers as he raises his hand, my eyes widen at the dreaded thought of the result of what was going to happen.

I have to act quick!

I scramble to my feet despite my wound on my back and stand infront of the incoming attack directed towards Mars and Fana.

"That's what lets me kill you, y'know!" He laughs hysterically.

"Heavenly Sky Magic: Sky on Water Reflection!" A barrier appears as blocks the incoming attack.

"Wouldja look at that, something troublesome just got in the way, it's nothing to do with you little girl, butt out m'kay?" Ladros licks his lips.

"It's got everything to do with me! They're my friends!" I yell as the barrier fades away.

"(Y/n)..."I hear Mars mumble before collapsing.

"Mars...!" I yell as I turn around slightly to check if he was alright.

"Mars! Recovery spell...!" Fana frantically looks down at her grimoire with Mars on top of her.

"I can't cast anything?!" Fana yells in disbelief.

Not good...

"Just hang on! I beat this guy and help you when I'm done!" I say as I face Ladros.

"Heavenly Sky Magic: Messiah's Salvation!" I hold my right hand out and wind starts to form a solid transparent blade as I start charging towards Ladros, I swing down and he moves to the side as I make the cracks of the ground lift up.

"Woah woah! Slow down there little girl, wait- aren't you the maiden!?" Ladies exclaims in realisation.

"No, I am not!"I grit my teeth angrily as pull my sword up for another swing.

I haven't used this spell that often, the sword is light as air!

"Take this!" He jumps back a few meters and waves his hands in front of him.

"Woah woah, how about we talk this out, hm?" He smirks.

"What is there to say when you've already made fun of my friends!?"I yell, I could feel my face heat up from how mad I was.

"How about we team up? I'll talk to the Diamond Army around for you, we can go up the ranks in no time at all!" Ladros proposes.

"No thanks." I yell and charge again.

I swing a few more hits as he dodges each of them.

"I plan to be the Magic Emperor!" I yell as he dodges another one.

"Hm? This is why.." His face grows dark as he lifts himself up into the sky.

"I hate idiots like you!" He sends wave of air blades towards me, I squat down and jump, I swing my arm and I send a bunch of my air blades back at him, they collide and shrink away into the air as they collide against each other.

"Heavenly Sky Magic: Crescent Glacier!" I sent a blast of cold wind blade up at him, I cast some air below me and break my fall.

I look up to see he had absorbed my attack and is sending it back at me, ten fold.

"There's no way you're gonna win! Just give up now!" He chuckles.

"Heavenly Sky Magic: Limitless Sky!" A spatial portal opens up and sends the attack above Ladros.

"Hey. I'm not giving up! Not when you've hurt my friends." I say as I grit my teeth in anger.

I guess it's alright to go all out right..?

"Friends? There's no such thing as friends, there are only two kind of people in this world, the user and the ones being used. I'm on my way to the top by using to the people around me. I'm gonna use Mars, the guy on the ground over there and the girl beside him to help myself ahead too. Maybe I'll let the Magic military to use them for research until they're dead! Blegh hahahahaahahahha!" Ladros smiles at the thought, I feel a smirk creep up my lips.

"I CAN go all out after all, because scum like you, don't get very far in life." I mutter to myself, I let my sword of solid air disperse as I flip over to my grimoire.

It looks like magic won't work on him so mental trauma..? Physical objects? Wait...

"Heavenly Sky Magic: Heaven's Harp." I hold my hands in front of me as winds flows into my palms and generates a white harp, I touch the string and it sounds throughout the area, I see Ladros look at my harp in slight concern.

I think it is working after all, but it's just too easy..

All of a sudden he sends beams of light towards me.

I knew it!

I let go of my harp as it keeps playing the sound next to my grimoire, I jump and dodge the beams.

They aren't as powerful as last time, my attack is weakening him, even if just a little, I think it's enough..commence plan A!

I land on the ground.

"Heavenly Sky Magic: God's Breath!" I add a little bit of extra magic into it and it spread around me instead of aiming directly for Ladros.

Good the most is thick enough!

I jump up into the air and cast another spell.

"Heavenly Sky Magic: Sinful Prayer." I add a lot more mana into it as I open my eyes and see the waves of sound as it's being made.

Damn, adding more mana just so I could move my body... I hope this works after all..

I swish silently behind Ladros and pull my hand close to home back, quickly casting a spell.

Heavenly Sky Magic: Sun's Remorse!

The spell activated, unfortunately he notices and moves a little bit, the spell blows into his shoulder.

I fall down and use the last bit of my magic to break my fall.

No wait...I'm losing conscious...

"(Y/N)!!! YOU BASTARD!! YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!!" Asta's familiar voice rings through my ears as I lose my myself in my mind.

With each heart beat your fate draws nearer...

||Falling From The Sky||Black Clover x Reader||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now