Chapter 27

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Sorry for a late chapter, I got caught up in doing art and stuff but here you go, enjoy!^^


As Licht's eyes start to leave (Y/n)'s body, it trails back to Asta.Asta points his sword at Licht, before saying anything else, a white blade struck Asta's leg.

"You are the ones who started this.Shut your filthy mouth."Licht bellows as his eyes trail to the grimoire in front of Asta, he flinches as he sees the familiar cover.

"And why...does someone like you...have that grimoire?"Rage could be hinted in his tone.Asta grits his teeth as he charges forwards in hope of using his sword as a shield from Licht's attacks.As he was running, he stops upon hearing Licht's voice behind him.

"It's no use, let's have you give back that grimoire now."Licht says to him as he hands a white explosion from him palm towards Asta's back.Asta turns quickly, but not quick enough.

(Y/n)'s PoV

Where am I?

I open my eyes to see a white room, a really white room.Buildings start to appear, more specifically, broken pillars, they start to surround me in a circular shape as podium starts to emerge from the white in the centre.I walk over to it to see a circle craved out in the centre, coloured in shiny gold.I trace my fingers over it as a voice calls me.


I whip my head behind me to see where the voice came from.

What the hell?

I place my arm back down as I start to walk around the pillars, I walk up to one of them and touch it.From the base of it, a golden circle starts to travel it's way the pillar.As it went, vines start to curl around the pillar as white roses start to bloom, once the circle reached the top, it disappears.I frown as I turn to touch the pillar next to it, it does the same thing and the voice speaks again.

You've come... (Y/n), The Maiden of Eden.Next Ruler of the Heavens, ah, many titles you bear on the sacred grounds.

Who are you? What the hell do you mean?

I am who I am, you've started to awaken your true powers to becoming the next God.

Like I said before....I'm not becoming 'God' and I don't want to.

Your fate has already been laid out from the moment you were born.You fell from the heavens as a baby in a casket with the scared name and now, you'll come back to heaven and be crowned as God, then you must return to the unholy grounds and take on the tremendous burden.

I was originally from heaven?!I'm 100 percent human, thank you very much, and even if I did become God, what type of tremendous burden are you even talking about?!

You'll know when the time comes, I'm sure Revel will explain everything when you return.

Yea.....I forgot about him.

Time to wake up.

I start to feel rhe world around me stir as I close my eyes and open them again to see my self on a bed, I roll to the side and see the children and a few healing mages around a bed.

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