The clone of the enemy flies forwards and tries to land a hit on Klaus. I turn to warn him, too late.
"Mine!~✿" A cheery voice calls as the clone shatters. There stood a child like teenager, blonde hair and big cheery blue eyes, he wore a black bulls robe and an too innocent smile. Realization finally comes to Klaus as he sulks.
"What's wRoNg with me?! How could I let the Black Bulls save me?!" He shakes his head in utter annoyance. Noelle appears and walks over to Mimosa in her cradle, Mimosa turns painfully to the side to meet Noelle's gaze.
"Oh, I wish you hadn't seen this....It's just as you say, I'm s-slow." Mimosa states.
"True. You've always been like that."Noelle agrees stoically.
"So..."She continues.
"I'll just have to protect you, Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's Lair."Noelle casts the spell around Mimosa's cradle.
Hey, at least they're getting along nicely.....I think, or? is it just competition?
"Are you guy who took out my comrades?" Asta shouts at the enemy.
You f*cking dumbass, if it's not him, then who else? Yes, we beat ourselves up.
"And what if I am?"The enemy asks, with no hint of cockiness.
He doesn't sound confident nor intimidated, damn this bastard is difficult to read.
"Mineral Creation Magic: Talos Doll Swarm." The crystals formed and took shape of his clone, but in many numbers.
"All at once! Look at those numbers!" Klaus yells.
"Getting cold feet?"I mused, he looks at me in annoyance.
"As if! I have a reputation as Yuno's senior to up hold!" He yells at me.
"Hue-hue."I laugh mockingly, facing back to the enemy.
"The weak are the first to go. That's all it is, for the weak to exist. I was born to break people like you."The enemy looks dully as the clones swarm us.
"Your the type of people I hate most. HEAVENLY SKY MAGIC: SUN'S REMORSE!" A large flaming sphere started to condense near my hand, making the clones around it melt of mana.
"Way to go (Y/n)!If your gonna break me! I'd like to see you try!" Asta shouts running past my flames and jumping up into the air, to land a slash on the enemy, the enemy jumps up with another recreated large sword, it drops down, Asta swings his arms and it cuts in half, the top half flings towards me. I place my fire ball in front of me and the sword melts and dissolves into mana.
"That could've hit me ya know!" I scold Asta from afar.
Asta pays me no mind and charges forwards, I kept melting all the clones as Asta fights. Crystals trail up towards Asta, he slashes it with his sword and it shatters, Asta keeps charging forwards until the enemy was in reach, he swings and the armor the enemy was wearing breaks.
"IMPOSSIBLE! A mere peasant with weak magic could never...!!!" Klaus starts to rant about Asta's weak magic and how peasants could not have done that.Noelle marches towards Klaus and shoots a water ball at him as a warning.
"You've been whining for the past several minutes!! Just shut up!!" She barked angrily.
"That's Asta's power, he negates magic." I explain to Klaus.
"He negates!?" Klaus shouts in shock.
"Then fortune simply blessed him with this power." Klaus mutters.

||Falling From The Sky||Black Clover x Reader||COMPLETED||
FanfictionSATUS: COMPLETED (✔) (Y/n), Yuno and Asta aim to become the Magic Emperor, but in this world magic means everything. (Y/n) learns the true meaning that peasants are weak and that the powerful are selfish. Instead of losing hope, she gains hope to ge...