Sorry for not updating the last 2 days, I was out with family and I couldn't bring my laptop with me >•<
I'm working on a christmas special, so stay tuned!*****
"I don't get it at all but never mind.We're taking you back to the Magic Knights Headquaters, and you're gonna tell us all about your organization.Now that hot-blooded king of hard noses will be able to rest in peace."Yami says flipping through his grimoire.
"Uh!Sir he's not dead yet!"Asta exclaims.
"Sir...I'm sure Captain Fuegoleon is highly offened."I say putting my hand up with a sweat bud dripping down my head.
"Okay then, let's see.. dark binding magic..."Yami mutters ignoring our side comments.
This magic...
My head shot up and I see three dark figures walking our way as wind blows from an un known source.Yami looks up too, and observes the walking figures and places a hand on his katana.
"That's spatial magic!"Asta shouts in disbelief as our spatial magic user pipes up.
"Who are they!?"Finral shouts.Asta flips his head towards Valtos.
"He's out why?"He mutters as the figures become clearer as they approached us.
"Wow.Stuff got real here.I think everything is too much work but..."The voice pauses.
The centre figure disappears as his signature reappears in front of Yami, he had his hand on Yami's grimoire, observing it.
"...even I have to save my buds."He finishes, before continuing as he looks at Yami's grimoire.
"Huh?That's a werid pattern.Oh well, not that it matters."the man shrugs as Yami grits his teeth abd pulls out his blade.
"Dark Magic:Dark Cloaked Lightless Slash!"He swings his blade and the man jumps back in reflex away from Yami.
He wasn't fast enough.
A spurt of blood rushes out of the medium cut that Yami had caused on his arm.
"OWWWWW!ARGH!Pain in the butt!"He screams.He hovers his hand over the injury and smiles.
"Oh well.I can heal a scratch like this in no time, so maybe it's okay. Light Magic:Healing Light Particles."A series of light particles hover around the wound as it closes up.
"How is he using that magic?!"Asta shouts in surprise, a lost for words.We take a few steps back as the other two figures walk in front of the injured Licht.He was soon covered in flames.
"You came...I'm sorry my power wasn't enough...."Licht murmurs as he looks at his newly came comrades.
"Flame Recovery Magic:Phoenix Robe."
"If you're here, then I don't have to worry."
"Licht, trying to shoulder everythibg is a pain."The man who tried to attack Yami says.

||Falling From The Sky||Black Clover x Reader||COMPLETED||
FanfictionSATUS: COMPLETED (✔) (Y/n), Yuno and Asta aim to become the Magic Emperor, but in this world magic means everything. (Y/n) learns the true meaning that peasants are weak and that the powerful are selfish. Instead of losing hope, she gains hope to ge...