Chapter 33

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"So, Revel, it's about time you tell me about God and what's all about, becuase I'm here like a lost puppy tryin to figure out if I'm human!"I shout at him.

"Okay!Okay!Lemme start explaining!"He starts.

"So, where to start, where to start."He mutters before something clicks his mind.

"Let's start with your grimoire! So as you mah know, your grimoire the Hex Halo is apparently sent down from heaven, this is actually true.The Hex Halo actually contains the mind of the first God that created this universe, the Hex Halo then chooses a human to become the next God.The Hex Halo has a meaning, hex in general means hexagon, when has six sides, five elements and one more, Godly power. Now the Halo means Angelic Guidance, of a halo of an angel.That's why I can tap your head with my halo to give you guidance! And you may know, religious belief says that the world went through a revolution into believing God, now God also went through an evolution from being a human to God, and in your state now, you're about 15% complete."Revel says.

"15% complete?!What the hell does that mean?!"I yell in bewilderment.

If this isn't crazy I don't know what is.

"Quiet down!Once you're 100 percent complete, you'll be a living God on earth.Being a God on Earth is special."

"How?"I raise my eye brow.

"A living God is immortal and angels obey at their command, they are also to immune to magic and cannot be hurt, and they'll also carry a tremendous burden."Revel explains.

"No, not that part.The part about, what did I do to get my self in this situation?"

"The moment your recieved your grimoire, you were chosen by the gods to become new god, once your evolution completes the current god in this world would die."

"Kay...who's the current god?"

"Uhhh....we don't know, he disappeared a half a century ago."Revel looks to the side.

"Ok.I guess that's enough information for now, my brain hurts.Tommorrow morning, I'm dropping you off at Yuno's so he can take care of you, I'm going on a mission for about 2 weeks, so be good, okay?"Revel nods as I pat his head with my finger.He flies up to my head and sita on top as we head back to my room

Big day tomorrow...

The next day...

"Well, thanks again Yuno!"I shout, waving at Yuno as Revel cries while trying to get to me.

"Come back soon, I don't want to stay with this thing too long."He says before smiling.I smile back and wave one last time before  set of with my enchanted bag of nesscessities, I brought money, food, change of clothes, healing potions, and a few books.

Thank the lord for the infinity enchantment, this bag would've been heavy as!

I start to fly towards Raquey in the Noble Realm.

In Raquey...

I have some time to kill till the night before the full moon.I guess information gathering?

I go around asking locals and tourists, they said that they heard there waa an under water temple past the strong currents at the bottom of the ocean.

Well to get there, I need a strong spell, God's throne wouldn't really work since I don't know where it is.I guess I could save up magic over the next few days for Noah's Ark...yeah I'll do that.

I rent a small place at  hotel and change into my swim gear and head out to the beach to gather natural mana.I sit perched on a cliff, crossed legged and meditating.

Natural mana out here is stronger in the noble realm than mana in Hage....

I start to condense the magic onto my hands, white markings start to appear on my palms, in shape of a circle.

I continue for about 3 hours when I hear a yell from below the cliff.

Noelle?Oh wait, Julius said that I had to report to Yami on the morning, so I guess I'm the information gatherer for this mission...

I continue gathering magic until the sun started to set, I head back to the hotel when I hear someone behind me.

"Hello there gorgeous!"I look behind me when a tap drops on my shoulder.

"Are you talking to me?"I point to myself.

Of course. Finral of the Black Bulls, flirting as always.

"Oh it's you, (Y/n) from the Crimson Lions!"People immediately look our way, I slap my hand on his face and shush him.

"Shut up!This is a secret mission!"I hush at him.A few people look our way hearing Crimson Lions.

The fuck do I do know?!?

"Okay, just play along with me."I whisper, he nods looking at the people staring at us.

I can't believe....URRGGGH SCREW IT!

3rd PoV

(Y/n) let's go of Finral's mouth and leans forwards with a flushed face.Their lips meet and stay for a moment, (Y/n)'s grabs his arms and place them arm her waist, people staring start to flush bright red and carry on. (Y/n) leans back and sighs as their attention was cut off.

"Don't do saying things about the Magic Knights again, we're on an under cover mission."(Y/n) hisses as she pulls Finral's arms away from her waist that had gotten too comfortable.

"See you around"(Y/n) says as she walks away, going back to her hotel, leaving Finral stunned from the contact.

"S-she..."Finral touches his lips.

"They were so warm and soft...."He whispers looking down at his chest.

"And she was so close..."He whispers, remembering the warmth.

"Mister Finral!"Asta shouts behind him, diverting his attention.

Back to (Y/n), she thoight nothing of the kiss and sat back down in her hotel, collecting more mana from outside her window.


"I guess I'm a bit hungry."(Y/n) stands up and puts on a short and baggy shorts, she tightens the belt around her waist and laces up her sandals before heading down stairs to grab some food from the cafeteria.She buys a sandwich and head back up to her room.

Night before the fullmoon...(Y/n)'s PoV

I tell the hotel I was leaving and bid the empolyees farewell.I head the cliff and begin using to magic I accumulated the past week to summon Noah's Ark.The markings changed over the few days, it was a white circle with spikes, shooting out of it.It looked like a mark of a sun.

"Heavenly Sky Magic: Noah's Ark!"I use the natural mana and a few of the spikes on the sun dissapears.


I get onto the ship made of clouds and it flies above the sea before submerging underwater.A huge bubble surrounds it.

Noah's Ark can travel anywhere, on land or in water...

I go through the strong currents with ease.I disspell my magic as I get a whiff of air when I spot the temple and houses made of rock.I quickly move behind a rock to avoid attention. now?

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